can i pick a early bud off

I'm curious how people think mothers and breeders are selected if the breeders aren't sampling before the plant's been harvested and dried. Only way I know of is to sample it while it's flowering before it's too late to pollinate.
No one? Come you guys. Someone's gotta have an idea about how this is done. Then again... maybe not.

To the original poster. The answer is YES. You can take some sample buds. Be careful how you dry them or you can destroy the trichs and the THC (cooler drying is better, definitely not hot). You can do it at pretty much any stage and it will not harm the plant, though if you like it too much it could conceivably cut into your final harvest.
No one? Come you guys. Someone's gotta have an idea about how this is done. Then again... maybe not.

To the original poster. The answer is YES. You can take some sample buds. Be careful how you dry them or you can destroy the trichs and the THC (cooler drying is better, definitely not hot). You can do it at pretty much any stage and it will not harm the plant, though if you like it too much it could conceivably cut into your final harvest.

Take it from the man he's right. Just save some for later lol.
There is also a forum on how to quick dry in the nuke with a paper towel on the bottom and a damp one on top works great! Just dont go over 50% power on a 1000 watter. Take about 3-5 min
Been there, done that (ok, didn't use the wet paper towel because I can't wrap my head around adding moisture to something you're trying to dry). I go down to 30% power on my microwave, and use VERY short bursts. Still not quite happy with how it comes out, but that did prevent the trichs from being destroyed. It still heats it up a lot, though, so I cool in between bursts.

Currently trying an overnight ghetto drying method with a small fan under the buds on a rack, with a small space heater set on low (thermostatically controlled, but not via temperature). We'll see how that works out, I think I'll get a better result because I'm not cooking off trichs.
Hey Sea. For deciding on the mental & wheelchair,.. milky, amber, or even clear, pick the various stages, notate each & dry & cure properly. So NEXT year, you will know what you like best. Also see growing marijuana free library, Greenmans page.. you can pick ready buds, and the plant will make new ones, a couple time. 3 X's the harvest with one plant. Anything less than proper drying & curing will never show the plants full potential, just my opinion.

No you can't.... hold a lighter up to a freshly chopped bud and see how long you have to hold it there before it burns...

Mabye you meant "without curing it"
i meant you can pick it off the plant and smoke it, and yes, you can without DRYING it.
To original posters question I would say if it is your first grow and you love marijuana too much lol then don't touch until at least 2 weeks before finish because you may just keep on stripping buds off before it really finishes.Hang in there imo. When you have a stash then picking and tasting can be done with no ill effects on maturity and yield. Have fun Showgirl:bigjoint:
shouldnt do it its gonna cause plant to slow growth a little to replace bud spot pluss doesnt taste good and gets u a little high not so great only if u really wanna smoke i guess haha
Alright man, don't listen to these guys. If you want a taste take a taste, it won't hurt the plant at all to trim a bud. I suggest trimming a bug from the bottom of the plant because they are not going to really develop much anyway. Yes quick drying will make the flavor not the greatest but if done carefully (don't burn it) it will still get you high ( in my experience pretty high). Sure everyone is going to say wait, wait, wait, but I have personally had the experience of not having any weed and having a room full of flowering plants at 6 weeks, you bet your fucking ass I trimmed a bud.
Hey, Maim! You're saying what I'm saying. :D I am currently out as well, and have three small buds, all selected from lower branches, setting on my ghetto dryer right now (I want to try that before I resort to the old microwave unit again).
Hey, Maim! You're saying what I'm saying. :D I am currently out as well, and have three small buds, all selected from lower branches, setting on my ghetto dryer right now (I want to try that before I resort to the old microwave unit again).
Aahhh we do what we have to dokiss-assCan't blame ya for it as I am in the same boat:eyesmoke:rofl Showgirl
Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis? bongsmilie No! I'm jonesin', man, jonesin'..! They still ain't dry, but I shall prevail, I shall be high, I shall enjoy I shall groove and feel smooth and toketoketoke.
I'm curious how people think mothers and breeders are selected if the breeders aren't sampling before the plant's been harvested and dried. Only way I know of is to sample it while it's flowering before it's too late to pollinate.

Hey seamaiden...usually it's done from cloning potental to be mother's, at least that's how i learned to do it. Making a good mother just takes time finding that right one. Those breeders that take there good shit to the cup's can take years to get right before it's even released, and sometimes you get lucky and stumble upon a great one to be early in the game.
best way to dry a wet bud imo, is if you have a kind of old tv in the house, the one with a air vent at the top of it, damn cant really explain, my sony trinitron has it, just place them on there and voilla, few hours later the bud will be crisp dry!

i use this method for my stuff that i get off my dealer which sometimes is not properly cured.