Can i make hash out of this !?


Well-Known Member
Sorry, yeah i dont smoke hashish.... i totally dislike it, but would like my mind to be changed...

can i make some pathetic hashish out of this :




Well-Known Member
keep us posted

I'v only smoked hash a couple times and neither did anything for me. Must have been some crappy hash.

Then again I'v never made my own either so this should be interesting.
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Well-Known Member
hash allways smells like shampoo..... dunno ... but it just does for me.


Well-Known Member
Any one can make hash out of anything with a high enough THC%, but if you have the schwag of schwag (in Hawaii schwag is shitty bud) you might get so little it's wasted time to even perform the act of making hash with it. but it's all about quantaty, if you had way more of that shit i would guarantee some yield but with how little you have and sutch shitty pics i cant tell you anything but have fun trying!
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Well-Known Member
Any one can make hash out of anything with a high enough THC%, but if you have the schwag of schwag (in Hawaii schwag is shitty bud) you might get so little it's wasted time to even perform the act of making hash with it. but it's all about quantaty, if you had way more of that shit i would guarantee some yield but with how little you have and sutch shitty pics i cant tell you anything but have fun trying!

aight.... well yeah i am gona see if theres even anything at the bottom of the buckets...... if this produces hash anyone can produce.....

it was only leafs and some 4 week old stems in bud that wernt growing at all.. so dunno...... hahahaaaaaaaa i got my mixer out with 2 mixers on it... did a turbo wash.... damn, went all bubbly on me.......

my first time.. so ill be happy with a 0.5gramm hashish ball.....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man you can make hash out of just stalks so i think youll probably be pleasantly surprised! a friend recently did a batch using just his stalks as thats all he had left and managed a 2p sized lump of not the greatest by any means hash but we smoked it n got toasted! fill yer boots man
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Well-Known Member
Hey dude check this out

It certainly is my friend!! did this method not so long ago was really pleased with the results..

found the best way to press it (after straining) was to wrap it in cellophane then newspaper (a good few layers) wet the paper and put it in the oven on a low heat for 10-15mins then roll it, re-moisten, oven roll again. put in the freezer and unwrap!! home made hash is sick!!


Well-Known Member
It certainly is my friend!! did this method not so long ago was really pleased with the results..

found the best way to press it (after straining) was to wrap it in cellophane then newspaper (a good few layers) wet the paper and put it in the oven on a low heat for 10-15mins then roll it, re-moisten, oven roll again. put in the freezer and unwrap!! home made hash is sick!!

Fuck me, that was so fucking easy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

damn, and i thought u had to be a proffesor to make hash ! ROFL !!!!!!!!!

now, i look at hish with pitty :D :shock: jking.... just like lol, rly.. that easy ?

bet mine sucks major ass :D


Well-Known Member
ey guys, i have to drain out the last bit of water from the colla bottle..... theres about 3 dl of water left now... i draind off the rest... i can see all my stuff at the bottom, how do i drain off the last bits of water ?