Can I make hash from a non-budding plant?


Well, things got REALLY fucked up. I had a plant growing, and it's a little over a week in flowering. I was really excited about seeing it's sex in a few days, but now someone ratted me out and I have to get rid of the plant.

I was just going to take clones, even if it ended up being a least I'd have something if it was female, but now I've decided just to get rid of it all for at least a month.

Would I be able to make any hash out of this plant? It hasn't even shown sex yet, that I can see, but it does have the pistils all over it, ready to show sex any day now. I'd hate to have to get rid of it, but if I can make hash, what are the main parts that I would use? I have to cut up the plant and show them that I have destroyed it, so I can't use all of it.


Well-Known Member
yeah i would move it cuz outside everything if flowering right now so it will keep flowering. ive tried to make hash with plants and unless you have clippings with trichomes on it you wont get much. if you want to make hash add a 20sack of bud with the plant so that way you wont be wasting your time


Well-Known Member
Man you got some issues there... first you gotta learn if you're gonna grow, the peopel who are gonna find out about it need to be OK with you doing it, and you really need to NOT tell anyone, ever.... If the plant has "pistils" then it's a female, what you're seeing may not be pistils, but if it has the 2 white hairs in spots, then it's a female, but from this point in it's growth stage even if you went through the hash process you wouldn't get anything worth smoking.... you could smoke the whole plant after you dry it and it probably wont do much to you. Too early in the growth stage, and if you have to show parts of it to show you killed it, then you really have some issues. Your best bet is to chop it down, show them and take a break for a little while until you have a place where no one will find it, or you can talk the other people into allowing you to do it. goodluck in the future!


Active Member
first rule- never tell ANYONE. second rule- if you get caught and cant walk away to grow another day you shouldnt be growing in the first place.


I guess I'll just let them have the whole plant, chopped up then.

Well I don't see how anyone found out. The only people that I've told is this website. Hell, I moved the grow area to a room that my girlfriend didn't even know about so that she wouldn't even know I was growing, even though she knows that I smoke and is very okay about that, because I just didn't want to take a chance of her accidentally telling anyone. So I think it was just someone in the house snooping around.

And I can grow another day. Here, probably not. But I've been looking for a new location, in another state, for a while now and waiting to get everything settled for a loan. Then I'll be able to use a whole room, not just a stealth box.


Well-Known Member
the three L's of growing: no smell, no sell, no tell. if you live by those three you can grow pot for the rest of your life and be safe


New Member
To answer the question.... yes u can make hash with it. It won't be nearly as good, but it's better than nothing at all.