Can I let my plants die naturally?

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
My father just passed away and I will be flying 1100 miles and will not be able to continue my grow. They are on day 48 of flowering.

Could I leave them as they are and in a few days when they run out of water just let them die naturally and then deal with chopping and trimming when I return? I figure this really is not all that different from chopping at the bottom except the natural route would give them a few extra days.


Well-Known Member
Best thing i would recommend is to trim all the fan leaves off no need to be perfect just finger pluck and hang them up on lines or in drying nets this will help with keeping the mold anyway more damage would be done if just left to die if your going to be away for more then a week

if less then a week or a week at the max they should be okay! to just leave in there pot's i left mine in a pot for 9 days with no water and it looked a bit shit when i got home but after a water she was okay but then again your pots are very small

so you might be better of chopping

once again sorry for your lose bro and i hope your father gets a good send off all the best

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
Another option I could consider would be to transfer them into rubbermaid totes and fill that up with PH'd water and let them bottom feed while I'm gone. If the coco is sopping wet tho that would prolly be bad huh?


Well-Known Member
Claber Oasis drip system. I use them and can go away for up to 12 days at a time.

Condolences on your loss.


a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
I think they would just crisp up as they dried out.

I don't know if it would degrade the buds or anything to have the plants die like that...

I can't see this doing any harm... Only thing is after they dry out and die and they're still in the flower room with lights hitting them the light will degrade the THC, no?

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
Well...I would turn the lights off.

I gotta wait and hear the details. I don't plan on being gone too long if possible so maybe Ill just try and fly out night before funeral and fly home day after. That way they can stay alive.


Well-Known Member
cut the whole plant and hang upside down until you return. the moisture left in the fans and stem/stalk should keep it from entirely drying out and turning into a shriveled-dried up mess.

again, sorry about your loss.

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
cut the whole plant and hang upside down until you return. the moisture left in the fans and stem/stalk should keep it from entirely drying out and turning into a shriveled-dried up mess.

again, sorry about your loss.
Thank you. If I can arrange to be gone for 3 days or less I'll keep them alive. More than 3 and Ill chop and hang fully in tact before I leave. Leaving the fans on, while an utter pain in the ass, will prolong the drying. I missed a plant last week from went 3 days and was fully drooped but was perfect again after a water so I kinda think 3 days is the threshold...maybe maybe 4 if im lucky.


Well-Known Member
I would leave the lights on schedule and let them slowly grow until they run out of water. That way they'd be closer to finished than if you turn them off. If you turn off the lights they won't continue to grow very long since they can't produce energy.


Well-Known Member
Umm I was about to many days will you be gone? you said 3ish. Just water the fuck out of them, or sit them in water like you said. No biggie (make sure you poke the holes if any blockage)


Well-Known Member
Try setting up a 2 liter bottle with a tiny hole poked in it?

Assuming you will be back in only a few days, it should be fine. The problem with leaving it on the plant would only be if it becomes overripe. If you let it go on the vine for too long, the trichomes will turn brown and fall off.

Even if you were leaving for a week, i doubt being overripe will be your problem, unless it's a fast flowering strain.


Well-Known Member
If I were in your shoes,
I'd leave them to flower even when I leave.
Letting em go longer and be real thirsty is better than chopping early-ish.
Sorry about your dad. That sucks.