Can i leave the plant alone?


Well-Known Member
I want to understand if its possible to plant a seed in the wild and occasionaly water it if its gonna produce buds in the end
Well yes. They do grow wild in places that have a harsher climate than Greece. You'd just have to keep up with the watering during dry times. There might be pests or plant diseases in Europe that we don't have here. Anywhere you can grow a hot pepper plant, you can grow weed. I would ask someone in your area who grows tomatoes (since if you knew people who grew weed you would've asked them this question) what they have to watch out for. Lots of things that affect weed affect peppers and tomatoes.


Well-Known Member
Most of the time, unattended plants will succumb to some form of natural death. If you planted 10 plants in 10 different places you might get one plant to make it. Animals love to eat pot plants, bugs, mold, mildew, drought, wind, hail, people... So don't expect to put one plant out and have it survive left to it's own devices.


Well-Known Member
Most of the time, unattended plants will succumb to some form of natural death. If you planted 10 plants in 10 different places you might get one plant to make it. Animals love to eat pot plants, bugs, mold, mildew, drought, wind, hail, people... So don't expect to put one plant out and have it survive left to it's own devices.
Makes me wonder about the success rate for the guerilla growers...