Can I keep trims for a few days to make hash later?


I will probably be harvesting tomorrow or in 2 days and have not received my bubble bags yet. Can I keep the trims in an airtight container in the meantime or something? Or should I wait and harvest only when I get them?

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
No. If you don't use it right away, it will crumble to dust and be useless.Better to just wait till you get that Bag.. A couple of days won't hurt anyways


Well-Known Member
erm first you have to dry it like your Bud`s then put it on air tight jar`s or similar, store it in the fridge until your going to use it

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
You can buy them in stores, just don't go around asking for Bubble bags... You will look like a Retard.

They're Used to Make Wine, Strain Grapes and what not... Call them Wine Straining Bags