Can I harvest while the temps are this cold?

:-( I have 2 plants that are ready to harvest. I'm growing/drying in a converted shed. The temps (with the heater on) are getting down to about 40 degrees at night in the room that I dry in. Will that hurt my girls or should I just wait a few days until it warms up a bit?
Nope, I'm raising my grandkids... Right now, I have "Grandma's Clubhouse" where I go for a break. Have a great drying room set up in there. We are just having this incredible cold spell, which has NEVER happened before where I live. Do you think I can just let my plants go an extra week? Maybe keep the temp in the flowering room down? It's supposed to get way warmer next week.
Also... the kids think my clubhouse is where I hang out and read and they even think I have a TV in there because they've heard my music playing when they've called me out there. I have a "NO KIDS, NO PETS" rule out there so they don't think I'm doing anything but having a little "ME" time.


Active Member
You can always dry/cure in your attic if you have access to it, or just seal off a room in your house and say theres a big scary ghost in there or some crap. Nothing like scaring kids for the sake of curing buds lol


Well-Known Member
I think the extra week wont hurt it much. If anything might make it a little better. Wait the extra week for better temps to dry in.
LOL... Attic access is between the kids' bedrooms... Can't do that. I'm going to take Chronic's advice and wait a week. The temps are supposed to go up by 30 degrees or so. I checked on the girls at 6 a.m., they seem alright. I will be so happy when this harvest is complete! They are both White Russian Medi-Man, and they are beautiful! The cold has seemed to stop their growth, but they still look great.


Active Member
LOL... Attic access is between the kids' bedrooms... Can't do that. I'm going to take Chronic's advice and wait a week. The temps are supposed to go up by 30 degrees or so. I checked on the girls at 6 a.m., they seem alright. I will be so happy when this harvest is complete! They are both White Russian Medi-Man, and they are beautiful! The cold has seemed to stop their growth, but they still look great.
Lol sounds good. Good luck with your harvest! Hope it turns out great
Have a space heater in veg room, another in flowering room, 2 in main room where i work, trim, etc. It was just too cold for them to keep up. It's MUCH warmer today. I checked on them this morning... ALL rooms are pretty good temps. Will begin harvesting one tonight, as I have been flushing her for a couple of weeks. Can't wait!
I harvested part of my plant. I think what I've done will be appoximately 2 oz. and still have about 75 percent of the plant to go, plus her sister! Yikes, the trimming takes forever! Looks absolutely amazing! The extra week did not hurt and I guess the cold helped keep their trichomes from going to amber... YAY! Seemed to work out incredibly well.


Well-Known Member
I deal with the same things as I grow in a shed and right now temps have been sub-zero. What kind of lighting are you using? I found that insulation and a good space heater are needed if you want to grow in a shed, the summer will be a different story. If the temps drop again, make a drying tent out of poly or a tarp and put a heater in there with a thermostat, making sure that the hot air does not blow on the nugs or they will dry way too fast. I somehow managed to grow over 5 ounces with cfl's in a small box where temps were getting as low as 45 with lights out. It slows them for sure but try to control the enviroment and you will be golden. Good luck!