Can I harvest my widow yet?


Active Member
Im about 7 weeks into budding and my leaves are all turning yellow and falling off one after another... Some of the hairs on the nugs are turning red/brown and I think that means im supposed to start harvesting... Take a look at my plant and let me know thanks!

ALSO:: How long do i need to hang them to dry?

When does the shoebox come into play?



Well-Known Member
looks good, do you have a microscope? have you checked the trichs? thats the best way to know when to harvest. Although it takes some getting used to IMO, I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I'm looking for, it's hard for me to tell what the trich color is.


Active Member
yeah, i lost the week I was in so i really have no clue when to harvest. I think im going to harvest this weekend. I bought the radio shack thingie but I dont know really what im looking for.


Well-Known Member
it depends on what type of high you want

couchlock type high : wait until most trichs are amber

middle of road high : about 50/50 amber to cloudy trichs

soaring head high : mostly all cloudy trichs.

thats what your looking for my man, I just not very good at telling what the color is, bad eyes i guess.


Well-Known Member
When the resin glands are all fully formed(ball shaped) and turn from clear through milky to an amber colour (at least 1/2) the bud is ripe. Harvest , trim, cure and enjoy!!
P.S.I love my 100X scope!!

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Hey TanMan,
I would say atleast a 1 1/2 to 2 weeks and I have grown a crap load of white widow, it's my personal favorite.

Also, def get the 30X - 60X Radio Shack microscope; it's only like $10 and strong enough to see the trichs. Start checking them daily and harvest when they are at the level of 'high' that you want per Orecal's wisdom below.

Trim them as best you can before hanging to dry, then allow to dry for 5 - 7 days. Make sure that the stems snap when you bend them. After that, snip off the buds and place them in mason jars filled loosely.

Open the jar/jars several times a day for the first week, lightly shaking each time or just roll the buds around a bit so that new air is moving all around them. Each time you close the jar, a bit of moisture from inside the buds builds up and needs to be aired out. By the time you finish the curing process, the buds will be completely dried out. The second week, just open 2 or 3 times a day. The third week you only need to open once a day. The fourth week no opening at all and by the end of that week they are thoroughly cured and ready for smoking or storage.

Let us know how your smoke turns out...

PS: I personally use Orecal's completion scale below and create two types of highs with each harvest. My early harvest when the trichs are still cloudy is the larger part of the crop and marked WWup. Then I do the 2nd part of my harvest once the rest of the trichs turn amber (normally only a few days later) and mark it WWdn - this creates the stoney-est of highs, great if you deal with pain at night and need help sleeping.

it depends on what type of high you want

couchlock type high : wait until most trichs are amber

middle of road high : about 50/50 amber to cloudy trichs

soaring head high : mostly all cloudy trichs.

thats what your looking for my man, I just not very good at telling what the color is, bad eyes i guess.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
yeah, i lost the week I was in so i really have no clue when to harvest. I think im going to harvest this weekend. I bought the radio shack thingie but I dont know really what im looking for.

Sorry, I missed that post. Attached are views of the trichs. Now you will know what to look for. I don't remember where I copied them from to give the poster credit :cry:




Well-Known Member
" How long do I hang them to dry?
When does the shoebox come into play?"
Check threads in "Harvesting & Curing,as well as FAQ's.


Well-Known Member

Sorry, I missed that post. Attached are views of the trichs. Now you will know what to look for. I don't remember where I copied them from to give the poster credit :cry:

yeah, i don't know where this thing originated from..... but mad props to whoever found it, that chart is what I use.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Anyone have any clue what my yield should be around?

I don't know, it's hard to give a guess because there is nothing next to your plants to give us a size reference. How tall are they? How wide? How big are the buds?

Also, bare in mind that once your total crop is dried, it will weigh about 70% less than when you first chop them down.



Active Member
70 %???? Will it shrink 70 percent too?? The plant is about 5 feet tall... And the main nug on top is about the size of a beer bottle and about a foot long


Well-Known Member
u should listen to the widow gal...she seems to know most about the strain iid say 2 weeks flush with mollassess ,looks likje u put lots of love and care in2 ure kind....easy skankin


Well-Known Member

I was going to post the same picture graph that WhiteWidowWoman put up in post #12

When I saw your WW, I thought you had another week or two to go as WWW also mentioned.

Since you only have a 4x magnifier, until you get a pocket ten dollar 60-100x microscope, if you have some binoculars in your home, look at the trichs with the binoculars rubber eyepiece facing the plant, at about 1/4" away you will see a nice closeup of the trichs development. You could also use your digital camera, set it to close up and take the closest close up picture that the camera will allow via the most powerful optical zoom that the camera will allow (Don't use the digital zoom) before it gets fuzzy, then upload the picture to your computer and you can manipulate the picture by zooming it in to also see the status of your trich development.