Can i grow marijuana using seeds that came in my last bag of green?

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
sometimes they are and sometimes not. but it is a very good choice for a first grow until you get the hang of it. then get some good genetics from a reliable seedbank.
good luck and read up there is plenty of info here.

Kash Krop

Well-Known Member
Sure you can,that's how most people get started.
The bad of it is,you don't know anything about the genetics of the bagseed you'r
planting.Might be good with no probs,might get herms up the wazoo.Don't know till you grow.


Active Member
Check out my grow in my sig bro..... Thats from bag seed like you got.
If its decent bagseed. Pic the nice fat tiger stripe seeds if you have enough.
Gently squeeze them with your thumb and pointer.... If they crack with gentle
force dont worry about it. You want the strong ripe seeds.


Active Member
OH and by using that method I get about a 98% germ rate every single time using a damp paper towel in a sealed container preferably in a non-cold spot. In the dark.

Do it and do a bagseed journal!

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
The Bagseed Theory

Compressed, full of seeds, weak smell and harsh smoke... sounds like brickweed out of Mexico I'm sure it started off as some killer stuff until they bail it and compress it and smuggle it and store it in laundry detergent or whatever they do to get it around. brickweed potency is increasing they(the cartels) may have introduced new genetics to increase potency. I'm wondering when it comes to "commercial" pot, what's the most common strain?Usually you're smoking poorly-handled compressed pre-kiefed weed, usually from a high yielder like BC Big Bud or Critical Mass. It would be great smoke if it wasn't so compressed and hadn't had 90% of the trichs knocked off to make hash. with brickweed its not so much the strain that sucks but the methods of drying curing and compressing to get it over the border
aaaannnnyways. bagseed is very underated, fuck ive gotten a seed or two in some of the best weed ive ever smoked which happened to be some kush.
Bagseeds are just as good as any other seeds, only problem is you dotn know the strain so you have no idea how long its going to flower, how much its gonna stretch, what kinda nutes its gonna like, etc.

Brickweed is weed that comes from Mexico or some other place like that.contrary to popular belief, shitty weed but only because it was grown wrong. mexican brickweed can be very dank if grown right. infact, most of the popular strains of today have mexican genetics in them.
It's dehydrated and stored in kilo bricks for travel, and when the dealer hits you up he just breaks a chunk off and weighs it out. It is usually only 5-10% THC.
Usually refers to female marijuana plants that have been cultivated outdoors in commercial quantities using basic agricultural techniques. This method of production results in low THC content and the presence of numerous seeds due to pollination by any male plants that are present.
Often originates from, and uses varieties of marijuana (Indigenous Land Races, or ILRs) indigenous to, Mexico, Jamaica, Thailand or South Africa, for reasons relating to location, climate and cultural attitudes to marijuana use and production.
Popularity and use vary geographically: in countries of origin, this kind of weed, sometimes loose and unpressed, is the staple marijuana product. In the affluent markets of North America and Europe, more powerful, higher quality, locally grown sensimilla (lit. 'seedless') and hashish are favoured. In hashish producing countries (Morocco, Afganistan, Nepal, India) hashish is the staple form of marijuana.
Well-known varieties of brick weed include:

Thai Sticks - Thai, often wrapped round a stick and soaked is cannabis oil for added potency)
Acacpulco Gold - from the Acapulco region of Mexico. Very popular in the US in the 60s and 70s, subject of the cult documentary 'Acapulco Gold' (1973).
Durban Poison - South African
Swazi - from Swaziland, South Africa
bc bigbud


Dude you bought or acquired the weed some how so of course you could do or try whatever you want, throw all the seeds in a glass of good water (distilled is best) the floaters are usually trash. The ones that sink might be good but hell you could still try them all. the next thing to consider is do you really want to waste alot of time and a little money to figure out your entire crop was male, but then again that could still be useful. so do what you want, just do some research to figure out what you are concerned about.

If it was good weed it is definitely worth the try though.


Well-Known Member
Best way to start is with bag seed. You a few seeds online and next thing you know it's $100. You use all 10 your first grow, fuck it up, and it really really sucks. Once you get it down, then buy seeds.


Active Member
Just pick the good seeds man. No need for all the other shit.
Nice fat, brown, preferrably with some nice black lines on the seed.
I call em tiger stripes. I can go through 50 seeds and pull 7 good ones.
And they almost ALWAYS pop.

Pinch it slightly. If its fat, and doesnt pop in your fingers right away.
You will probably get a germination out of it between 2 moist paper
towels, In a dark container, In a room temp-warm area preferably.
The light colored seeds, I just toss em. Unless they are real fat and feel good between my fingers
I'll give em a go. But usually not.

Its tried and true. Never failed me and I dont gotta break out
a frying pan and all kinds of shit to decide if its a "good seed" or not.

Goodluck mang:clap:


Active Member
And I agree with the ole poop master. My current grow is bagseed
like I said, Its linked below in my sig. Ive went through 3 bagseed grows
before I felt comfy to order some seeds. Which I just did a couple days
ago. Black Jack from Nirvana :weed:

Would be a shame to buy seeds, and fuck up the time and effort it took to get them
in the first place. Not to mention the 40 or more bucks you'll spend on 10 seeds.


Well-Known Member
There's entire journals and separate threads devoted solely to bag seed grows, all with amazing results. I'm flowering my first bagseed grow right now as well. It was from some pretty good weed. Best of luck to you.