Can I grow Kratom, at home ?

Also, I prefer red strains for pain. Green is a more energizing strain. bali/red borneo is my fav. I am about to try some red thai, which I think i will enjoy.
Also, I prefer red strains for pain. Green is a more energizing strain. bali/red borneo is my fav. I am about to try some red thai, which I think i will enjoy.

I will check on the red strains.........I prefer a strain that will not make me to wired, and some do.
The Maeng Da , which is the strain I buy, is good, but can keep me more UP than I like to feel.

I would rather good pain relief, a nice euphoria, and a relaxation effect.
I will try the bali/red borneo , this order, as its a bit cheaper, and sounds mellower.

I do have one friend, that no matter what type he tries, he claims "he never feels anything "
No pain relief, no euphoria, just.............nothing . I don't think he is taking enough, but, he claims, he has an odd metabolism, and has always had problems with feeling what others claim to feel, when they take medications.

If he were not such a nice guy , I would give up, on trying to help him.
Sadly, I can't "just ignore " his complaints, so i will continue trying to find new strains that work better, in hopes one will help him , too .
Maeng da is apparently not a real strain, just a marketing scheme. But I dont know that for a fact, some say its a mix. I think your bud must not be doing enough as well. I have friends that say it doesnt hit them very strong, and the ones that say that, are former opiate addicts, idk if that might be your friends problem. Seems that people that have used alot of opiates need much higher doses.
Maeng da is apparently not a real strain, just a marketing scheme. But I dont know that for a fact, some say its a mix. I think your bud must not be doing enough as well. I have friends that say it doesnt hit them very strong, and the ones that say that, are former opiate addicts, idk if that might be your friends problem. Seems that people that have used alot of opiates need much higher doses.

This is what I was thinking, myself .

OR.........they mix the normal meds they get, with the kratom, expecting to get a different high, and that's not what it's for .

Kratom is not meant for " getting high" , but actually for the pain relief, anti anxiety/anti depressant . The euphoria and alertness is nice, but not "overwhelming " like a vicoden high. I think thats why certain people are let down , when they buy it . JMO
I agree, alot of people are let down when trying kratom because they expect a "high." I feel you really just get a warm feeling, sort of glow. It helps me not want to do other drugs, and thats what I use it for most.
Also found it to be a good ADD medicine. Helps me focus and get things done, even red strains. Ill often mix them so I can get things done, not want to use other drugs, and then relax.
I find most ex-opiate addicts tend to like` kratom , As a ex-opiate addict I like it becouse it almost reminds me of opiates , not a downer, not a stimulant , but it will wake you up, or can still put you to sleep.

maeng da translates to - pimps grade and cockroach depending where in SE asia you are, they say meaeng da is some type of a grafted cultivar with spiked leaves instead of the normal smothe , I have to call BS , it;s just a quality energetic strain (hopefully) , Their are lots of pictures of kratom but not one of a graft, the graft also does not apear in any literature prior to about 10 years ago when kratom started to be exported in bulk to forein markets.

I have ben buying kratom for around 5 years now about 4 of them have ben almost exclusevly forien vendors, If the vendor did not sell maeng da , then they had no clue what it was - That speaks volumes to me
Yeah my vendor from Indonesia claims maeng da to be a marketing scheme. Claims bali to also be basically relocate Borneo. And I have heard "horned" leaves, I beleive that is also probably a marketing scheme, alot of people claims its only from plant stress.
Yeah my vendor from Indonesia claims maeng da to be a marketing scheme. Claims bali to also be basically relocate Borneo. And I have heard "horned" leaves, I beleive that is also probably a marketing scheme, alot of people claims its only from plant stress.

their are lots of pictures of horned 'kratom' leaves , but are they actually kratom ????

Who do you use from indo. ??

I usually use bikhuk , sometimes kratom delight and faisal , I just ordered from myanmar
I just received 2 different cultivars, Rifat and Bumblebee. I dont think it will be difficult at all to grow these. I should buy a bulk quantity though too. Really enjoy this leaf. Helps get through the rough patches where pain is too much.
