Can I Grow A Pound of Dope in 9 Weeks?


Well-Known Member
The cardboard oon the outside was put up to prevent any light leaks... I'm pretty sure at least :?
with out liteproof or sound proof 1/2" blue foam board

yes i added it when i switched the lights on time from day to night. I felt I may need to seal it better. As a bounce I take notes on the side. So look at the score board for a sneek peek at my weigts and harvest heights.



Well-Known Member
Hey that's not so bad. It just looked like a cardboard wall in that one pic in your gallery. I thought about using foam board for my project, but I made a tent out of black and white poly instead.


Well-Known Member
So how close are you to your goal of one pound? And how long are you past schedule?

1 pound goal

strain #1 first time grown 12/12 so the 1 oz guess was low 20g for the few i've weigted.

#3's are still here I'm about to start there next.

time today is day 84. two week past the tease title but on target foe a 12/12 from seed grow. almost to the day.


phil le b

Well-Known Member
Well my test runs this summer in 8 1/2 weeks I can have 24" tall plants in 16 oz cups. And each female will produce from 20g to 35g.

Here are the 15 I just started. I am also keeping track here.

So tell me what you think.
thats poo really init well i had 9 widow and the was 4ft i veg them 2 long but i got 11oz off them all but i have been told switch them wen they r 6inces and they should go to 24ince tall and across and should get 2 / 3 oz per plant and i am using cha cling to boost them


Well-Known Member


score board I'll total and post as soon as the last goes to cure jars.


My fan has a light you can turn on. I'll run the fan untill the plants are all in jars.

next is were i put thr dryer box only one 26 watt cfl so i can work



Well-Known Member
How close were you to a pound?
I'll post the weight dry as it goes into cure. Now some will be lost in cure but it's close so with the move and packing thats the weight. We know a little more will be lost to the curing and if I have time and motivation (stoner with a lot of weed your lucky to get this #)

Plants #'s:

Strain = Strawberry Jam
1-01 23.0g
1-02 23.2g
1-03 26.5g
1-04 28.3g
1-05 7.2g finish and smoked :roll: bongsmilie
1-06 27.2g

Strain = DonkeyDick
3-01 42.8g
3-02 23.1g
3-03 35.3g
3-04 36.6g
3-05 28.6g
3-07 21.3g
3-08 42.1g
3-09 6.9g

so with out #3-06 it's 372.2 or 13ish oz not bad?

waiting on 1-06 a 39-1/4" plant so it shoud hit high 30's



Well-Known Member
Can't wait to see what you build for your next gow in your new place.
this grow may be over but i need to make every thing disaper.

so my next grow everone not just 12/12er's will want to see the revers of building this.

how about a preview.

I filp the switch to the fan to off, it's run 24/7 for a long time with only short stop to do maintance 3 min. tops. It's been off for hours this place is so quit, i can here the freeway. Look i soud proof the shit out of this box.

I have to move/sell all this. whatch craigs list.

So I've got a minute behore it starts.

I'll need to move this.

after this stuff is out of here i'm free to post just how you grow dope for a year in a townhouse apartment.

Ever wonder whats on the other side of that window? Here I can show you now, I've moved all the dope except some smoke 1/4 oz.

So look and i'll answer a few queition i would noraly over look.

Every light in the room is on and i did put the black out cover on the window.

edit: i frecked out last summer, i came home for lunch and pant crew were painting every f'n shutter. they did see or smell a thing and the dude was there on a latter. 15 minutes of hell a call in sick the rest on the day just to watch out. if you grow in an apartment you need to be ready for that. wait untill the frozen pipe, shit that was close thank god for locks!


Well-Known Member
It's a black cat be hind glass in the dark trick look it's noon. I see your eye Lucy.

this can work to a dope farm adv.

search my old posts i've started seed there.


Well-Known Member
Plants #'s:

Strain = Strawberry Jam
1-01 23.0g
1-02 23.2g
1-03 26.5g
1-04 28.3g
1-05 7.2g finish and smoked :roll: bongsmilie
1-06 27.2g

Strain = DonkeyDick
3-01 42.8g
3-02 23.1g
3-03 35.3g
3-04 36.6g
3-05 28.6g
3-06 26.8g
3-07 21.3g
3-08 42.1g
3-09 6.9g

taste samples of 2.3g

totol this grow with 15 plants = 401.2g about 14.3 oz not bad

26.75g per plant just under 1 oz.

I'm very happy at the start I thougt I'd get 7 or 8 30g plants so that 161g more than I was expecting.



Well-Known Member
Hey randy, I got a question for you. Is there any difference in flavor between the buds dried after clipping vs the whole plants drying? If you haven't had a chance to smoke em all yet, keep us updated I'd like to know.


Well-Known Member
Hey randy, I got a question for you. Is there any difference in flavor between the buds dried after clipping vs the whole plants drying? If you haven't had a chance to smoke em all yet, keep us updated I'd like to know.
early tasts say yes.

also that bath did i post about that?

in a week or so i will have a very nice post and MrsRocket will help seh said so no type oh and me swithing to words i can spell (in my brain any they look good untill i post it) but this one will be good MrsRocket is a professian writo (her job) I bet you have read here stuff she is a good.


Well-Known Member
early tasts say yes.

also that bath did i post about that?

in a week or so i will have a very nice post and MrsRocket will help seh said so no type oh and me swithing to words i can spell (in my brain any they look good untill i post it) but this one will be good MrsRocket is a professian writo (her job) I bet you have read here stuff she is a good.
It's all good, I'm not going to knock your typing skills. My name is a typo from when I created the account. :eyesmoke:

But yea I'd like to know which drying method yielded the best taste. I've heard some say that drying to whole plant allows more sugars to drain into the buds (maybe total myth IDK). I've also heard that clipping as close to the nug as possible before drying will keep the nute tastes from leaching into the bud. Both theories are total opposite, so let us know which works best for you. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
It's all good, I'm not going to knock your typing skills. My name is a typo from when I created the account. :eyesmoke:

But yea I'd like to know which drying method yielded the best taste. I've heard some say that drying to whole plant allows more sugars to drain into the buds (maybe total myth IDK). I've also heard that clipping as close to the nug as possible before drying will keep the nute tastes from leaching into the bud. Both theories are total opposite, so let us know which works best for you. :blsmoke:

I did both ways just to answer the same question.

When I look at your at first it looks like World of war craft, But I've allways added the R chang weed to war?