Can I Grow A Pound of Dope in 9 Weeks?


Well-Known Member
Just saw this grow. I read through it all and I must say Good Show. I have been looking into the hole 12/12 from seed thing lately.

Thanks, this was just a teaser thread for my journal when it was started. But the answer to the question didn't happen untill last week so this thread went a bit long. I had other teaser threads but with this one getting bigger every day the last was like "check out my 3 foot 35 day old plant" or something like it. This one just had a nice catch frazee who doesn't want dope fast? I new the answer was no on post one. Just wrong for the time not volumn. So I was backward and lucky with all girls. One or two boys would have stopped this thead a day after I found them because that would make the pound half a no. People stayed tuned and tunded in as they saw I'd get the pound maybe he'll make the deadline.

The fact that 1/2 of them are over 50" tall or close will add at least a two week set back for those, yes the volumn on the tall ones will be more it's also more time.

The week out of town did not help.

So it could be done with 15 plants just not this time by me. I am closer to the goal then I thought possible on post one.

this is the jourinal it has all the how too's and daily up dates. Plus all the pictures not just the best ones.

also there is this maybe a dozzen growers are posting but it's growing. If you want to try the 12/12 from seed for yourself read both.

I am still not convinced 12/12 from seed is the way to go but I'm still going to do more as well as the veg to 18" monsters I like.

Edit: I'm so close to the end don't worrie I'll post in all 3 places untill the final weigh in.


Well-Known Member
How dense is the bud with your 400? I recently got a 600 and was just wondering what to expect in terms of fluffyness/density.
One of the buds in front (not the best in the room but looks ok to me)

Just an other one.

yesterday on the ones i can get to easy not the best.

tomarrow if time allows i'll post most heads.

edit: post 171, girls in front left are 36" if that helps?


Active Member
I am a newbie here, and I just wanted to show some love, cause your hurtin the streets. 9 weeks or not. I learned something for sure, good lookin out and keep up the great post.:leaf:

Do you know how to change your user name on this site ? I used this name as a quickie when registering. Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
I am a newbie here, and I just wanted to show some love, cause your hurtin the streets. 9 weeks or not. I learned something for sure, good lookin out and keep up the great post.:leaf:

Do you know how to change your user name on this site ? I used this name as a quickie when registering. Thanks!!
Welcome and as it's your first post just start over with the name you want.


Well-Known Member

#1-04 is 28-3/4" tall at 40% brown Yes on the light side but I want some of this type buzz. I will free up about 12% of the Flower Chamber.

#1-05 is 29-1/4" tall at 35% and the second smallest.

I've started to pluck #1-05.

Ok I'll be tied up a bit.


Well-Known Member
Hell yea they look nice randy. They didn't branch out, and they look like SoG style since you grew 12/12 from seed. I may try this method.


Well-Known Member
thiis is part of my grow journal up date.

my favorate. she is the first born of the grow, first in 6" pot, first to show sex.

(I would love to start a thread with this picture and the first person that asks about lighting, I'll say "It's a 60w lite, but the mirror make it a 120w. It loves it look it even out grew the area".)

All back for the day, 9 are left in the Flower Chamber.

You can read the rest here


Well-Known Member
I saw this and thought cool but i can move this shit to yhe new place in that.

so I'm still look in for a newer ride. (not mine but cool) I coan here MrsRocket now.

Now on to the grow is that a floor in my room?

These are the last five. I have plucked the fan leceves on @ 2 3 & 4 cw start with 44 oz cup as #1. #5 is ihat little 20" nute burn, I should have let here go but I took a lot of data on how to/not to cure a plant. #1 is ready i'll pluck it like chicken and hang it by her knees.

Some girl just hanging around.

Oh this one should be big.

That's trimming the head of #3-08 Havest at 30" tall. She is one of the 44 oz cups.






Dry as it gose into a cure jar is 42.1g

now I lose some more still in cure but thats the weight leader so far.


Well-Known Member
Why do you pluck your fanleaves when the plant is still in flower?

I pluck the fan leaves as step 1 of the harvest. I'll do more than 1 at a time. You may see pic were I put 1 or two back while I pluck an other.

Then I trim the buds and put in the blue dry box or cut the plant and hang in the mother box (not in use as a mother room shut down for my move in three weeks).

I've been buiss with harvest, new dianoce for MrsRocket, finding a new apartment, I guess life that I've not posted the best post but after harvest and final weighs I do a big conclution post with whay I'll learned and lots of new question/conserns. So stay tune I should finish the havest this weekend less dry and cure.

Then I do a better question and answer. But post now I review a catch the you that I over look or don't have time for then.

10 finished 5 to finishes. 3 are started plucked leaves. the last two may grow out until sunday and ready or not down they come.


Well-Known Member
Very nice buds randy. I was just looking through your gallery, and saw the outside of your flowering room. Did you build that grow room out of cardboard and duct tape? lol If so man, that's pretty impressive. Jeff Foxworthy should have a red neck grow room of the week on his show. You'd definately win man. lol No offense buddy I love your work. Keep it up.