can i go from 18/6 to 24?


Well-Known Member
right now i have some babies that i have grown from seed that are about 2 weeks old, they started under constants light and now are under 18/6 and im growing them in my clone box. Im gonna be taking some clippings soon and keep my clones on 24/0.

I can either put my babies into my veg room under my 600w hps which im sure they would be fine, but would it harm them if i switched them back to 24/0:?:

thanks in advance for any advice!


Well-Known Member
There would be no shock from going 18-6 to 24-0. It takes about 10 hours of darkness usually for it to mean anything.


Well-Known Member
Better to let the battery use some of it's stored energy IMO, leave it under 18/6 if you have a spare timer for your veg room. I'd run 18/6 for veg but I'm too lazy to go buy another light timer.


Well-Known Member
the thing is that i was taking some clippings to make some clones and the young seedlings were in the same box i use to make clones. So that box instead of being 18/6 like it was is being switched back to 24/0 for the clones. I solved the problem though by leaving them 18/6 by moving them with my other plants that are in 18/6 veg under a 600w hps.

Thank you everyone!


Well-Known Member
From my experience you'd be just fine doing that. They certainly get shocked when you put them at 12 hours of light (bloom) back into any sort of veg cycle... but since you are just switching veg cycles I see no problem with that at all.

Just in case, get yourself some Reverse by GH (I believe, too lazy to grab bottle) and spray them when you flip to 12.12 and then again 10 days later... haven't had but one or two hermies since I threw that into the mix. Stuff works!