Can I go 24/0 right to 12/12? or do i need an intermediate???


Active Member
You can just switch it from 24/0 to 12/12. Just make sure that within the first week or couple days of 12/12 you don't let any light in when it's the dark period or the plants will still think they are in veg.
I do straight 24/0 to 12/12, lots of stretching in my 2 grows. I have never really thought to ponder the question. However, I am glad you brought it up! Will probably gradually step down the light on my next grow. Maybe throw a week of 18/6 in before 12/12. Thanks man, take it easy! Peace!


I had my plants on 24/0 during veg and thought it better to switch to a 18/6 for a week as to keep the amount of stress to a minimum. I couldn't find anything on google about this topic so I'm glad someone brought it up.