Can i get a name change?


Active Member
Hi there,

I just registered yesterday and I am not happy with my display name. It semed ok at the time but really I am not totally satisfied with it. I can see myself using this site for many months (years?) to come and let's face it, how does this sound:

"Hi Grow4myfriends, how r u doing today?"

Sounds bloody stupid!

And since there are so many users with "grow" in their display name, I fear this choice will not give me any real identity in the long run.

Since I am totally new to the site, I guess I could just create a new account and link it to another of my emails and continue with that. But I would prefer not to do that, I would prefer to change my display name and have the new name appear in the few posts I have made so far. Is that possible? If so, what steps to take to get this done?

Thanks, Peace
no we dont change user names sorry,
you can indeed create a new account and i can ban this one for you, as youre not allowed two accounts let me know what you decide to come up with
have a goodo ne