Can I get a break on my electric bill for growing medical marijuana


Well-Known Member
PG&E has a "base rate". kinda an allowable amount of juice you can use per day during "peak hours". if you go over the allowed usage the rates double, then triple. you will have a bill that will have an amount billed at 100% billing rate, then 200, then 300 ........... the more you use the more it costs, basically.
This is true. It kinda sucks for veg. One 600w on 18/6 for 3 weeks, then 1200w on 18/6 for the 4th week of the month, made by bill jump from 60$ to about 172$.

Should this be coming I should be concerned about considering I live in a 2BR town house??


I was thinking of using only one pannel, I don't know if the dea would put any real effert in tring to get a s.w and bust someone that had solo, where would be the probl cause. I have driven around and seen solor on other homes but never thought that they were growers. I do see your point and trying to advoid any unnecessary eyes.
Mabe you can build a platform on the ground and put one there.
I just know that $1200 a month/ is a lot of money plus how many eyes are looking at that enormous bill. With using that much energy someone is looking.
Okay if anyone sees this reply years after the post believe me I run 3 1000's and 2 737cfm 8" HO fans with speedsters and my bill for this month in Southern CA @ .24 cents total for the whole deal of electricity is $302.40 for my grow room to the penny. So be careful who you ask they just might not know what they are talking about.


Active Member
my figures came to about 350 bucks also... this is a per grow... it has to be. thats 3-4 months worth by my figures.... also the guy could have lots of patients and he could be selling or giving or whatever... thats his perogative. if hes legal and has overages im sure they are dealt with properly dispersed among his group of med users....