No, foilar feeding should never be used past two weeks in flower. And only foilar feed in these following situations...
* To provide a quick nutrient fix for root-zone nutrient problems or deficiencies; this allows more time to solve the problem(s).
* To prevent excess yellowing on clones.
* To instantly provide nutrients via the leaves, which reduces stress on the suffering plant.
If your soil is Drenched then the plant is watered!!!???
Are you attempting to foilar feed to remedy a problem with the plant?
Let the soil dry out....
this seems to be the more jorge cervantes Standpoint,which i disagree.
To review jorgey says that foliar feeding confuses the plants and lowers uptake via the roots,i suppose all thouse forest are down right retarded.
rule #1 Guru's and Experts are mostly idiots feeding upon ignorance of the masses.
There are others who oppose foliar feeding saying it hurts or at least doesn't help yield
Here is another example
another click of self exhalted experts, Who excrete their waste online for the consumption of the ignorant masses.
Here is the real deal,anyone implementing foliar feeding(meaning every day) will see at least a doubling of yield.try it on one plant and see.branches will be at least twice as long and host at least twice as many bud sites. if there is a "expert" I respect it would be this guy here
He has the worlds largest plants,yields around 12 pounds average from a plant and is the reason i started foliar feeding.
he also foliar feeds to 3 weeks before harvesting,Although he does also recommend cutting foliar feeding on the coast because of the humidity.
In other words you got a place were the spray will dry up in a hour,well you don't have much to worry about.also foliar feeding retards fungus and will never have a problem with spidermites if you foliar feed.

of course again you should also experiment yourself.
I foliar feed daily with maxsea(and other things) bloom and only stop when it gets humid or starts to rain.
oh yeah also when i foliar feed I put snake oil in it,that is superthrive

sorry experts superthrive does work and does produce better yield

I only went from 6 to 9 pounds when implementing foliar feeding+superthrive

I also have lived in the emerald triangel my entire life

but who am I to argue against the experts?after all they grow in their parents for 2 years and have a subscriptions to hightimes ! L33T !
P.S Weed sucks in amsterdam! which is why we get tourist from holland every year around our parts.
salty corporate weed For stupid tourist.
Sorry I've been having a bad day
P.P.S didn't mean any aggression to the general populace or anyone on this forum,I just hate FUD but i suggest doing controlled experiments and deciding for yourself as thats the only way true progress is made.