Can I dry budz in my bathroom with steam?

You guys are trolls man, I’m just asking lol.. I guess the moisture in the shower will stay in the buds, you know, I’m a newbie, came here for legit answers.. not for some smeely answers..

Should I just grow in a tent ? And dry the buds in the same tent, just without the lights ?
Would that be better
Well let’s see …

1. Pick a closet ( hallway or whatever) pull out whatever shit is in it . Hang dry or mesh rack buds to dry.

2. Brown Bag the buds - simple slow drying thru brown paper / roll bags to redistribute and de-clump buds. Toss in a small hygrometer to monitor. When “ ranged “ close to desired RH begin to jar and burp to step down final RH.

3. Uhaul sells giant cardboard garment boxes ( string hang buds ) - DIY construction online.

Continue to shower body / no need to do whore bath in sink or gas station

Glad to help.

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Well let’s see …

1. Pick a closet ( hallway or whatever) pull out whatever shit is in it . Hang dry or mesh rack buds to dry.

2. Brown Bag the buds - simple slow drying thru brown paper / roll bags to redistribute and de-clump buds. Toss in a small hygrometer to monitor. When “ ranged “ close to desired RH begin to jar and burp to step down final RH.

3. Uhaul sells giant cardboard garment boxes ( string hang buds ) - DIY construction online.

Continue to shower body / no need to do whore bath in sink or gas station

Glad to help.
I was gettitn pretty excited for the whole whore bath idea, damn it.

the cardboard box idea seems easiest, I will just use a fan with that.
Why can't you hang/dry in a closet? Or, as someone said earlier, a box. I ran fishing line back and forth inside a box after my first grow, hung buds on the line and closed up the box
Get the buds into a box, and remove box from bathroom before showering and shitting. Steam will mold your buds, and no one wants shit particles on their bud. If you "need" to bring back in, then wait a good while for the bathroom to air out before bringing back.
get a membership at the local YMCA or other Gym. Use their facilities, try to poop at work or at the Gym. Or, set up a fan to run constantly, and take a 2 week trip/voluntary commitment to a nut house, then come out in 2 weeks. should be dry then. And you could meet some really interesting people, Maybe some fun meds?
get a membership at the local YMCA or other Gym. Use their facilities, try to poop at work or at the Gym. Or, set up a fan to run constantly, and take a 2 week trip/voluntary commitment to a nut house, then come out in 2 weeks. should be dry then. And you could meet some really interesting people, Maybe some fun meds?
You off ur meds ?
So I got a question, I need to dry budz, I got a bathroom with a good extractor fan, built into the wall.. I got space to dry it, but .. I also need to shower, shit, shave.. nahmeen ? Will the steam and constant change in temperature and humidity fk up the drying process ?

I got no where else to dry, do I move the stuff out of the bathroom before I do my thing, or will steam not make any negative effect..

I’m going to use a blowing fan in the bathroom without closing the door. Keep in mind the heat and humidity in my area are stupid.. temp is around 25-30 Celsius, 85% humidity. more or less

so, can I shower in my bathroom while the Maryjane is drying ?
or is this an obv no no

Use a cardboard box before using a bathroom man. Everyone has a cardboard box sitting around. Set it in a cool dark area poke a few small holes on each side with a small fan facing it. Gives a little movement inside the box but you dont want a lot at all just enough for fresh air to get in and let the old out. You can run strings through the box to hang the buds. Fast setup, free and easy to build.

This is exactly what I had to do back in the day, worked fine for me. Never would I ever consider hanging it in the open, in a bathroom that gets used for showers, shitting, and god knows what else. Mofucka gonna be smoking pubic hairs, doody and all :lol:.