Can i dry buds slowly by curing?


Well-Known Member
Ok so i have recently harvested all of my buds, and this my first grow.
I may have pulled them down from drying a bit early (just shy of 3 days), because the buds drying on the outside of my clothes drying rack were getting crunchy but when i got to the middle it was still sticky-ish but not overly wet.
Now is there a way to slowly dry my buds while im curing in glass jars?
I left the jars open for just over an hour tonight and the top layer got a bit crispy which to me would suggest if i let the top crisp up the bottom nugs will then lend ''wetness'' to the top layer thus slowly drying the whole jar?
Or am i asking for trouble by doing this?


Well-Known Member
Ok so i have recently harvested all of my buds, and this my first grow.
I may have pulled them down from drying a bit early (just shy of 3 days), because the buds drying on the outside of my clothes drying rack were getting crunchy but when i got to the middle it was still sticky-ish but not overly wet.
Now is there a way to slowly dry my buds while im curing in glass jars?
I left the jars open for just over an hour tonight and the top layer got a bit crispy which to me would suggest if i let the top crisp up the bottom nugs will then lend ''wetness'' to the top layer thus slowly drying the whole jar?
Or am i asking for trouble by doing this?
If u want u can try them after the drying process and then cure. GL


Well-Known Member
thanks chaps, so even leaving the lids off for 24 hours or so wouldnt work?
they arn't wet just extremely sticky.
Itll work if the bottom doesnt stay wet. And youll have to pull em out to see if it does. Just dry em for another 12 hrs and then decide. Ooor leave em for 24 hrs in jars and have uneven dry. Fuck throw em on a table if their close no need for a rack.

Budder Fingers

Well-Known Member
If you jar up a little on the moist side, be real vigilant about burping the jars for 10-20 mins, several times a day.
I just threw out a couple ounces i jarred too soon and got moldy, tried to slow the drying process

Also dont have your jars too full (mold) or too empty (dry too quick), loosely packed about 8/10ths full


Well-Known Member
If they are still damp put them in a paper bag with a piece of news paper on the bottom. I always take my budz out of the jar after first full day to see if it is all dry bottom to top, If I feel any dampness I put it back in paper bags to dry more, You will get mold if they are wet, Im not willing to take the chance, I hang my plants to dry, not on a rack, while they are drying I do most of the trimming and hang em back up to dry, after im sure they are dry I jar it, like I said I always check them the next day to see if it is all dry, then I pop em every day untill I get tired of it lol!

Peace IMG_1069.JPG IMG_1067.JPG IMG_1074.JPG


Well-Known Member
Ok so i have recently harvested all of my buds, and this my first grow.
I may have pulled them down from drying a bit early (just shy of 3 days), because the buds drying on the outside of my clothes drying rack were getting crunchy but when i got to the middle it was still sticky-ish but not overly wet.
Now is there a way to slowly dry my buds while im curing in glass jars?
I left the jars open for just over an hour tonight and the top layer got a bit crispy which to me would suggest if i let the top crisp up the bottom nugs will then lend ''wetness'' to the top layer thus slowly drying the whole jar?
Or am i asking for trouble by doing this?
Slowly drying buds in a glass jar is basically the definition of curing. I would dump them out of the jars and let them dry evenly than hope the bottom buds rehydrated the top. You spent all the time growing them why even risk fucking them up now.


Well-Known Member
OK so i just emptied all my buds onto 3 oven trays and put them next to an oscillating fan set to low, im about to sleep for around 5 hours so ill check on them in the morning and see if there done or whatever.


Well-Known Member
i decided to go against the fan even before reading this.
Just checked on them and they need a touch longer.
I've got court today so ill just leave them out till i return and i should be right to re-jar them.


Well-Known Member
Look up the paper bag method for before you move em to jars. It can help even out the moisture without running the risk of mold that jarring does


Well-Known Member
Slowly drying buds in a glass jar is basically the definition of curing. I would dump them out of the jars and let them dry evenly than hope the bottom buds rehydrated the top. You spent all the time growing them why even risk fucking them up now.
I agree, the first few days are crucial, you may want to dump them out of the jar on occasion, leave them out a few hours and put them back to rehydrate, doing this until it is safe to leave them in the jar with a Boveda 62 pack.


Well-Known Member
line 3 or 4 brown grocery bags and throw them in there for a slllllllow dry. the long you take for the drying the less you have to cure. it is possible to dry and cure at the same time. ive done it 45 degrees and it took a little over 3 weeks to dry, but when it took them down and jarred them the next morning the were SUPER, SUPER PUNGENT. i took no further measurements as far as curing for that batch and it came out amazing!


Well-Known Member
Harvested my first crop not too long ago, and my method worked pretty well. I used Boveda packs, and they worked wonders. I still burped the bin once a day, twice at the beginning, but the Boveda suck the moisture out, or re-add it - whatever it takes to get to 62%. They were mad useful for me man.

In terms of pulling them down too early, I just would say go with the general consensus: Wait until the outside of the buds are dry and crispy, then pull them down. I'll see if I can find this guide that I followed...

I hung mine also, so that they would dry evenly. Took about 10 days, but temps were freezing.


Well-Known Member
Sweating and curing? Please explain.!?
A day before you get a stem snap, you put the bud in a turkey bag. Close the bag. The next day your bud should be moist because it sweated. Leave the bag open until it dries again. If it is too moist put it in a paper bag. Repeat this drying and sweating process about three times. I find warmer temps to dry and cure give me a better aroma than colder temps. It is the same concept as jar curing but the bags make it sweat more. The bags give you a superior cure to glass.