can i do this???tips please!!++rep

stink hole

Active Member
ok what i want to do is a 6 plant bubble...i am very clear on how to set it up......i have about 45 plants in vegg.(soil) i want to take 6 of those plant and put them in bubble.....i know this is a real tuff on the plants and there is a good chance that some of them will not make it...but like i said i have like 45 so if i lose 2 or 3 it no big what i was gonna do is mix up some super thrive water to shake the soil of with then put in the bin with 10-15-10 water in it....can i pull this off??? any and tips welcome....+rep for all help....will post some pics later i am going to atempt this in about 2 hours.....i have to pick up somethings from the store real fast


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this is any help to you but my Dad is a mad vegetable grower,he alway's starts his plants off indoors,
then when he hardens them off,he let's the soil dry out,he then gentely crumbles the soil off the root's,before giving them a wash in
in a root stress reliever,he uses canna rhizotonic for this although he is unaware of that as i get it for him and put it in a different bottle,
he then places the plants in a well of cow shit and straw and stuff after a few days they always perk up and thrive!!


Well-Known Member
get a 10 gall tote filled with water, and put all the airstones you have in it. It should look like a rolling boil. Unpot your plants , and one by one, let them sit in the water. The bubbles will gently clean off the roots. Change water and repeat.


Well-Known Member
Dunno about shaking though,might be a bit much stress,
make sure to wear clean rubber gloves,meant to say that my dad
always does this in near dark conditions he reckons intense light
from any source can cause serious shock!!


Well-Known Member
Keep us informed and let us know how it goes,i wish you all the best and nothing but luck
in your venture!!!!

stink hole

Active Member
ok so just got it done ill have pics up tomarrow.....all the plants are in... seemed pretty easy, but we will see how many die.....they all started to droop but i think that might be normal...the lights are set to go off at midnight but, i am going to leave them on for the first 48 hours.....good idea?....

Bill Gates

Active Member
You can take the plants, unpot them put the root ball in a bowl of clean room temp water and wash off the dirt gently, when you put them into the bubbler, add neuts right away. If you let the dirt dry out, the roots will dry out also and the plant will go into shock, gently swish the plants in the bowl of water and the dirt will come off the root mass.

stink hole

Active Member
ok well here they are...i will let the pics do most of the talking.....

1.pump&stone&hose (under 15$)wal-mart will see there is no saw...i didnt have a blade for my jig saw,so what i did was just drilled holes then cut it with a knife..
3.nutes i use...i know they coulds be better...hard to find great around can send me some of yours:hug:
4.the lid
5.bottom of bin you can see i put a drain in it...makes it easyer when it comes time to change the water.. see it
9.make sure it works
10.where i washed the soil off is super thrive water
11.first plant washed and in new home
12.just some river rock..keep it simple1
14.allin more time all in
16.comes togather nicely.....
let me know what you guys think...good info???? i will update on how the plants are doing in a day or too.....


Dolce Vita

Active Member
hey man there gonna be in shock for a week or two so dont get worried if they look bad. and make sure you dont fuss over then just leave them alone for the most part. hopefully you got a stong strain!

stink hole

Active Member
hey man there gonna be in shock for a week or two so dont get worried if they look bad. and make sure you dont fuss over then just leave them alone for the most part. hopefully you got a stong strain!
just dank bag seed.....we will see what happens....

stink hole

Active Member
Nice one,looking good so far,giving you +rep for just even attempting it!!!!
thankx...when i looked at them today they were still alittle droopy..i think it will take like 3 days for them to come out of shock....ill keep close watch on them.when they start to grow some more i will get some pics up...once they get going again bubble should have a faster grow rate then soil right???thats why i made the change......i will keep it updated