can i do anything with this small amount


Active Member
Can I do anything with this small amount??

And no these are not from my plant there off my friends he trimmed a lil and I said ill have then for shit and giggles lol


Well-Known Member
Its a busted up sugar leaf... you can save 50 pounds of it and best you can do is turn it into mulch for your garden.


Well-Known Member
ya you can save em, just throw em in a freezer bag put em in the freezer. I probably would just toss em but there will be a little thc in them.


Active Member
Honestly theres nothing. You could dry them out and roll a little joint, but it wont even get you high maybe a headache.
If you know somebody who buys joints you could sell it for a dollar or two and get a soda :lol:


Active Member
take the tiniest piece you can get , load it up then cover it with a nice bowl of hash or kief (not included)