Can i cut


Active Member
can i cut the biggest lower fan leaves in order to let light shine on the newer lower growth of the plant?

negative drawbacks?
bad idea?

let me know. thanks



Active Member
Then yes m8, i would clear the bottom stuff, as it will improve air circulation for you, and instead of the plant using energy on growth that wont amount to much, it can concentrate all its energies into the top growth and buds, where ya need it. ;)


Active Member
should i snip it off at the main stalk and just leave whats left exposed? any certain technuque i should use besides using clean scissors?


Active Member
Leave about 5mm of stem still connected to the main stalk. This way, should any mold or infection occur, its kept away from the main stalk and stays on the cut stem only. after several days, the part still attached will dry and drop off, or can easily be removed by hand. Sterile scissors ya know about already ;)