Can I Cut " ROOTS" in my AG...?


I'm growing 1 plant, the roots have grown so much its starting to grow into a ball like.
Noticed when flushing alittle brown looking in the middle of roots....?
The plant is 10" high Its so bushy it covers the whole system !!! (40 days old )
I started Flowering 7 days ago

My Question Can the roots be cut...? or will that kill it ?
I have read were some had cut roots to seperate Male / Female, ?
I have pics, if needed.....


the brown spot is in the middle, should I cut it out ? I have a green light ,should I cut on roots while lights r off ?


Well-Known Member
I think your thinking about it too much. You don't want light on your roots but it's not gonna kill them if light touches them. Do you have an air stone?


Well-Known Member
Tstone: I've been pruning my roots for years without a problem. Assassinationofyouth is right about not pruning more than a third of them but I've never done it when they're flowering. I've always done it when the were vegging and I give them an extra dose of Vitamin B-1. If you're in the midst of flowering I'd leave 'em alone.


Active Member
dont trim any roots unless its absolutely necessary. youre only growing one plant so you are fine. ive done four plants before and never trimmed any of the root mass. YOURE OK.

you shouldnt really have any brown in your roots unless they are dried out and sticking out of the water. i would treat it with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide just to be safe (does anyone have the ratio of h2o2/h2o? i cant recall atm)


Well-Known Member
I've never cut the roots in my Aerogarden. I never grow more than two plants because roots tend to fill up the reservoir. I use Hygrozyme and it keeps my roots white and healthy. But it's good to know that you CAN crop the roots.


Well-Known Member
I've never cut the roots in my Aerogarden. I never grow more than two plants because roots tend to fill up the reservoir. I use Hygrozyme and it keeps my roots white and healthy. But it's good to know that you CAN crop the roots.
I just picked some Hygrozyme up the other day on recommendation of the local hydro store. Its supposed to eat dead roots and and turn them into food for the remaining roots.


Well-Known Member
pickt up and give the roots a pull dont cut if they come off in ur hand they arent doin nething for the plant and should be removed. i occasionaly like to runmy fingers through the rootmass to get an idea of how healthy it is.


Thanks for the feed-back ! I'am 7days into flowering as of today, some leaves r getting brown on 1 side (maybe heat..? )
Also I did run my hand through it to un tangle..? & yes roots came off in hand, I just put it back in , gave it alittle B-1
guess I'll wait a day see what happens . I will stay in touch & w/ photos
Thanks again u'all