Can i Cut one FAN LEAF off and smoke?

Dude, im no expert but many people claim it takes about 2 weeks before it shows its sex, especially for young plants as they tend to want to grow up first. Then they will start with alot of hairs, followed by frost and then you cut it. The thing is, if your leaves are all oily then it might work.

yes and no, if you have a mature plant it already show sex in Veg, if you switch to 12/12 it will begin to flower with in days (have to redirect it hormones) if you put a unmature plant in to flowering it can often take a week or two before it really start to flower as it have to get ready for it so to speak (mature)

why some Ppl. think it take some time for it to react to the less light hours

but first two to tree week of flowering it will concentrate on making Bud sites (the stretch) where it easily can double in size, after the stretch it will begin to develop the Bud sites and set them white pistles all over for the next two to tree weeks, once done it won't grow much more but mature and swell up for the last few weeks

and if the leaf`s are "oily" full of trichomes they will probably work, the effect will be decided on how mature the trice`s are

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TBH you shouldn't do it. No point. You aren't going to get enough cannabinoids off of one or two leaves let alone individual blades(fingers) on the leaves. Otherwise peopel would grind them up with their bud, or just keep giant bushes in veg to harvest leaves for hash.
yea agree, you need to get your hands on some of the smaller lower Buds if you want a real effect, the leaf`s just keep too much chlorophyl and will most likely just give you a head each, tho I use mine to make BHO oil of and I often leave many of my smaller sugar leaves on as they are covered in trice`s
yea agree, you need to get your hands on some of the smaller lower Buds if you want a real effect, the leaf`s just keep too much chlorophyl and will most likely just give you a head each, tho I use mine to make BHO oil of and I often leave many of my smaller sugar leaves on as they are covered in trice`s
Well guys.. fact is i havent smoked for long so im easely affected. However, i mixed one leaf up so i smoked about 50% weed and 50% tobacco. I grinded the leaf slightly after having it over the radiator. It wasnt completely dry but since mixed with tobacco i thought.. what the heck, it'll vape. So, i went out for a smoke and now im back. Didnt feel anything at first but after a short while, i got a nice feeling in my stomach, slightly slurry head and well... warm sensation? I didnt get Stoned, or real high, but... I do feel better :)! and well... the candy i eat tastes weed... hahahahaha... Just put the other leaf in a bong
well I guess even MJ can tricker a placebo effect :D as long as you feel good, try dry a small Bud over night at the radiator then
No, no.. i never count the feelings i get right when i smoke. I know thats placebo, haha. Happens everytime. However, i just smoked another leaf in a bowl and im actually a little bit high. I know what placebo weed feels like... a friend fooled me once. Didnt work and i didtn feel a shit. However, its now 1 minute since i smoked the other round and i must say, im actually floatin away a bit. fuck.. i just wanna cut off more parts on my plant now.
Ofcourse its possible that what i feel is placebo... but if this is placebo... its a damn good placebo cause this fuzzy feeling in my stomach. Never gotten that off placebo... my body feels just great right now.
...if there are enough tricomes on the leaf you maybe be able to make hash...
Without a doubt! However.. how long does that process take? i guess i could get a few hits worth of hash by lollypopping. Dont know if it would be worth the trouble though since its so small quantities. How long would it take to make hash timewise?
Ofcourse its possible that what i feel is placebo... but if this is placebo... its a damn good placebo cause this fuzzy feeling in my stomach. Never gotten that off placebo... my body feels just great right now.
HAhah my man! i got an auto almost done i might have snip off one of the leaves or bud sites covered in tri's !!
I used to do this with fan leaves that fell off or needed trimming, you will need to smoke about 4x as much as bud, and you will get a little high, its kind off like a buzz. but it works iif you're in a pinch and havent smoked in a few days
I too have resorted to leaf in hard times and I find the high to be not very plesant as I feel quiet anxious and irritable. At a guess I'd say there was some chemicals in the leaf but fuck all THC.
I also used to smoke leaves when i first started growing, i also smoked 1-2 weeks old flowers which gave the same effect. I used fresh leaves from vegging plants and burned them with a torch but it's a harsh smoke, i don't do it anymore because i have bud and i care about my health. It's a nice peaceful sort of high when you haven't smoked anything for a week or so. It's a different sort of high than mature bud. It doesn't give you headaches like people say either.
Yes they feel the pain. All living things do. Every time you cut off a leaf a puppy dies. You can smoke the fan leaves, actually all of the plant. Some parts are better than others though. I've never tried smoking the roots but maybe you could brew a tea or something.
laughing my ass off