Can i clone a plant than put it immediately in flower?


Well-Known Member
I need to know or do i have to let it heal to still get maximum yield still? Im doing 2 chamber thing and just want to take cuttings right before i put them in flower. And im trying to plug in the data to calculate how often my yield will be.


Well-Known Member
just make sure its got good roots and flip. you would yield much better with a week or 2 veg though.


Well-Known Member
You can take cuttings up to the first couple weeks of flowering without having to worry about revegging on most strains. Let the lowers stretch a bit during the first week and take cuttings then, seems to work well for me.

Before putting the clones in flower I would make sure they have a decent root system, but you could put a clone that rooted in a solocup for a couple weeks right into flower if you wanted.


Well-Known Member
i think he means can you put the plant you took cuts from in flower, if so the answer is yes, but try to take them from the lower branches that will not produce as much quality end product, if you cut off the top you could serious hurt yields if not done correctly


Well-Known Member
elaborating on Brimck325,

clones need to develop sufficient root mass in order to grow as well as to feed the developing bud sites.

so can you? Yes, but your yield will suffer


Well-Known Member
Ok so given situation right now, I wanna do something like veg to 12-18 inches than transfer to flower after taking cuttings of one per plant, I don't have alot of room and I don't believe i will have enough room to take more that one cutting off each plant so yeah. Anyways Hopefully everything goes smoothly and my clones sprout each time and just cycle through veg seeds 12-18, take clones, transfer to flower, veg clones to 12-18 inches and repeat. But how fast do clones grow or more specifically if I took a cutting at around 8 inches how long would it take for it to grow to 12 inches approximately.


I think I understand what you're shooting for, but I think the important factor here is going to be your time to harvest. Remember that size can be controlled a lot of ways, LST, etc. and you can use those methods to buy yourself several inches without impacting yield if vertical space is an issue. If you know the strains you're using well enough that you can reliably predict the finishing time, then you can accurately make your own harvest schedule.

For example: if you know that your plant will finish in 8 weeks from the day you put it into 12/12, you can take the single clone from it and veg it exactly 4 weeks. (Your clone doesn't have to be 8 inches tall, it'll be vegging for a month. The clone you take could be 3-4 inches tall and it'll be fine... Buds is right though, you'll want to select a strong shoot, not a weak, spindly one as your clone candidate.)

Then, when you harvest the "donor" plants, the clones will be ready to go into 12/12 ...right after you take a single clone from those. You don't have to wait any amount of time after taking the clone before you put the 'donor' into flower. You could grow your plant to your desired height, take a cutting/clone (don't take the clone from the top meristem, use one of the side shoots), and put the 'donor' plant into flowering immediately. Ideally, 4 weeks later you will take another clone from the clone you took from the original. It would look like this:

At Day 1: Donor (A) is ready for flower, take a clone (B) and put into your veg room. Donor (A) gets put on 12/12 light cycle in the flower room.

At Day 30: Donor (A) is one month old, and you know by knowing your strain, that it is exactly 1/2 way through flowering. Plant (B) is now a rooted clone one month old and ready to have a clone taken from it. Take a clone (C) from Plant (B) and put it into your veg room. Move Plant (B) into flowering 12/12.

At Day 60: Donor (A) has been 60 days in flowering and is ready for harvest. Plant (B) is 60 days old and you know is now halfway through flower. Clone C is now 30 days old and ready to have a clone taken from it!

At this time, Day 60, from now til forever, you'll be harvesting one plant every 30 days.

If your clones are not tall enough, not to your desired 12-18 inches, you can easily adjust by holding your donor plants in veg another week or 2 after taking the clones but before flipping them to 12/12. The flower time stays the same, so your donor plant finishes in 60 days, at 30 days you put your (now 44 day old) clones into the flower room and so on. You'll get a feel pretty quickly as to how long it takes to get your clones to 12-18 inches height, you may indeed have to change your schedule so you take your clones a couple weeks prior to putting the donor into flower. If your clones are growing too tall, a little LST or even topping will bring em back down from the heavens.

With all else being equal, after the first harvest or two, you'll have a pretty accurate idea of how much you'll yield and when they'll be ready.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
your plants will have big issues if you clone a clone a clone a clone. only really experienced growers should be doing that like me and a few others around here. newbs should just stick to seeds unless you want to go learn something. let me know if you have anymore questions. I know a lot a bout cloning
You are an idiot and U give shitty advice! U can clone any marijuna plant period.............


Well-Known Member
your plants will have big issues if you clone a clone a clone a clone. only really experienced growers should be doing that like me and a few others around here. newbs should just stick to seeds unless you want to go learn something. let me know if you have anymore questions. I know a lot a bout cloning
Wow, ive been gone for 24 hrs and i come back to this horse shit. You narcissistic moron. Your a fucking idiot and we laugh at every post you make. First you spew lies, then you jerk yourself off. Im suprised you didnt link your grow.

op, clone away. Its easier than dealing with s33ds because you dont have to sex them, worry about importing them and your growing the same you can figure it out with practice. Eventually the plants can start getting to be lesser quality but that takes a long time and youll still get a decent harvest but youll just say to yourself, maybe its time to find somthing new cause this ones not making me happy anymore.


Well-Known Member
i grow a cheese clone that is supposedly from 1989, it still produces well and has great commercial value.

there are people growing grape vines from cuttings that are centuries old btw so i wouldn't worry about how old your plants get from germination.

keep a mother plant if possible, cuttings from cuttings is viable but not as reliable as always having a good mother to take a snip from.


Well-Known Member
Wow, ive been gone for 24 hrs and i come back to this horse shit. You narcissistic moron. Your a fucking idiot and we laugh at every post you make. First you spew lies, then you jerk yourself off. Im suprised you didnt link your grow.

op, clone away. Its easier than dealing with s33ds because you dont have to sex them, worry about importing them and your growing the same you can figure it out with practice. Eventually the plants can start getting to be lesser quality but that takes a long time and youll still get a decent harvest but youll just say to yourself, maybe its time to find somthing new cause this ones not making me happy anymore.
Well can't we all have peace :bigjoint: But yeah I already know that some people have 20-30 generations of clones so I just ignored him.


Well-Known Member
OP, check the latter few pages in my 12/12 sig thread.

Going straight from clone to flower is the only way I grow nowadays, in a 3-week, 3 stage perpetual cycle.

...and I also have cloned new mothers from cloned plants. I have not noticed a single change in efficacy, fragrance or growth phenos whatsoever. My next venture I'm working on currently is creating fem seeds from both my strains for long-term protection (Chemdawg and Jack Herer).



Well-Known Member
I agree with what Ravener said for the most part , but everything I have read, says to wait until a mother is at least 7 wks. old before taking clones.
I for one have not tested that.


Active Member
i think he means can you put the plant you took cuts from in flower, if so the answer is yes, but try to take them from the lower branches that will not produce as much quality end product, if you cut off the top you could serious hurt yields if not done correctly
Exactly. I do this every time I clone.