Can I chop this bitch?


Well-Known Member
Right I am totally out of money and smoke for the next two weeks, so could I chop this bitch down?She's lowryder 2 at day 62, about 60-70 percent of the hairs have turned orange, the lower ones are a little premature but I need smoke I have another two still going...what you guy's think?



Well-Known Member
look even if you cut it, it wont smoke anytime soon.
1st it dont look ready.
plus you need to flush.
and it takes time to dry and cure, longer than 2 weeks.
if you pick it now, you are going to spoil it.
plus you cannot smoke an unflushed plant, it will be full of old nutes.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks, I began flushing a week ago on them. Going to let her go a little longer just getting anxiety looking at them, first grow you's know how it is..


Well-Known Member
what's "flushed?"
FAQ. but if you cant do a search.... Flushing is using a large amount of water only (as in more water than the pot could 2 gallon pot, use 3-4 gallons water, or more), to "flush" out all the crap(salts, minerals, ferts.) that builds up in your plant and its container. can be done if youre getting a nute-lockout, and also is done during the last bit of flowering to help rid the plants of everything you "fed" it, helps with taste and harshness....


Well-Known Member
What??I was told you had to hold the plants over a toilet and flush 3-4 times every two days,if that not it?will this harm the plants?


Well-Known Member
well if 60% of hairs are red she sready for the chop, flush for 2 weeeks, so u have 2 week of flushing and 2 weeks for dry n cure thats 3 weeks left