Can I change the time of my 18/6 cycle?!? Will it do damage?


hey guys so let's say you are running a 18/6 light cycle. Lights off at 12pm and back on at 6pm. I want to change it to 10pm-4am. Would that cause any issues to plant to just change the timer when the lights come back on. So they will wake up at 6 and then would go to bed at 10 again (4hours later). And then stay in that new 18/6 cycle of 10pm-4am. Sorry if I made that confusing


Active Member
can't say for sure authoratively since I haven't seen the data, but just from a podunk anecdotal grower, no, you are cool. If you grow plants out side you see they go through all kinds of light changes, like when it is cloudy every day for a week. If you are not sure just bump it 30 minutes a day until you get it where you want it. Just simply turning off a light doesn't affect the plant immediately. They say it takes about two hours for the plant to realize the light is on or off.


Well-Known Member
From what I understand the plants key on the length of the dark period. So to make the least impact, time it in a way that maintains the same length of dark. Probably not a major issue either way when they are in veg though.