can i cash this check?

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Okay so i open my mail box and there is a check in there. Its worth 150 bucks

It says pay to the order of: Personal Busisness Services

Date: 12-8-02

its signed and then the for who part is blank.

Could I legally cash this check? It was addressed to me btw. I would like the 150 bucks if i can get it legally. If it would be illegal then i dont wanna do it, i have no need to break the law for 150 bucks.


Well-Known Member
sounds shady, and its old as hell, I wouldnt bother with it.. could be getting into much more than you bargain for.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
didn't think so but thought id ask casue why not. But if its to personal buissness services can anything happen? And could you cash it some how without giving any id


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats a scam. Probably requires automatic enrollement in some billing service for god knows what. Dont cash it. If you want free money, do like everyone else does, and run a chain of internet scams. Duh!

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Alright alright.. Its quite tempting though but ill bring it back or throw it out i guess.

Thanks guys


stays relevant.
My mother was arrested a number of years ago for cashing a fraudulent check that she received in the mail for an item she was selling, she spent a night in jail, and never got her bail money returned- even after they found the person sending out the fraudulent checks to a number of people in the area.

I wouldn't fuck with it. Throw it away, other people will have likely received them and taken them to the police.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Another quick question should I take it to the police station? Or will that make it hot somehow, they wouldn't watch my post box or anything after that.

Oh and also if they saw a package that came from the address of a seedbank would that constitute a search warrant?

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
if you cash it your probably signing up for a credit monitoring service that will cost you way more than that before you realize you have it.


Well-Known Member
I was selling a litter of goldendoodles and this guy contacted me saying he wanted to and they needed to be shipped. So he sent me a check for 4500 and i am suppose to wire him like 500 of it back. I already had a bad feeling about it cuz the guys email was way misspelled. so i recieved the check and noticed it was a bankone check. I drive 20 min to bankone to cash it and right off the bat the lady says there is not suppose to be a space between bank and one. I was laughing my ass off, but i was pissed. I gave them a copy of the email and phone number i had for the guy. I doubt they caught his ass. Probably from nigeria. Take it to the bank it was issued from if it is near.


Well-Known Member
I was selling a litter of goldendoodles and this guy contacted me saying he wanted to and they needed to be shipped. So he sent me a check for 4500 and i am suppose to wire him like 500 of it back. I already had a bad feeling about it cuz the guys email was way misspelled. so i recieved the check and noticed it was a bankone check. I drive 20 min to bankone to cash it and right off the bat the lady says there is not suppose to be a space between bank and one. I was laughing my ass off, but i was pissed. I gave them a copy of the email and phone number i had for the guy. I doubt they caught his ass. Probably from nigeria. Take it to the bank it was issued from if it is near.
Same thing happened to me, sort of...I got a check from Popeyes Chicken, saying I won some sweepstakes. It looked just like a payroll check, it was drawn from Bank of America. So I went to Bank of America and showed them the check. They did have an account that matched the numbers. They did not know how to handle it. The check was in the amount of 75K and the routing and account numbers were correct. I KNEW I didn't enter any sweepstakes at Popeyes (I have never eaten there) so I kept on heeding them caution. They wanted to cash it! I said no and took the check back home. I went on the net and looked up Popeyes headquarters and I called them and faxed them a copy of the check....As it all went down I found out I was the FIRST person out of about 5,000 people to report this. It was a scam, they would have you cash the check and send most of it to them,(Western Union) this was to cover taxes and other misc. charges, and then you will get the final check which was 750K, which NEVER would of came. I am so glad I didn't let the bank cash that check. The people that actually cashed it had to pay it back, in full. That would really suck, you cash the check send it overseas thinking you will shortly be getting another check and instead you get slapped with court papers to pay back ALL the money, even the money you wired. It is pretty lame.


Well-Known Member
Another quick question should I take it to the police station? Or will that make it hot somehow, they wouldn't watch my post box or anything after that.

Oh and also if they saw a package that came from the address of a seedbank would that constitute a search warrant?
LMFAO! only stoners man