can i bud my tree now

c cinco

i almost lost my tree due to wilted so i now ask can i bud it now before it messes up again i am a 1st time grow but its about 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide its in a 5gall. ...i just dont want to lose it again and all next time so please tell me if i can ....and if i can how do i ?????


Well-Known Member
i almost lost my tree due to wilted so i now ask can i bud it now before it messes up again i am a 1st time grow but its about 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide its in a 5gall. ...i just dont want to lose it again and all next time so please tell me if i can ....and if i can how do i ?????
well first off you do need to give more details. if you are growing inside you can flower any time you want to just switch your light timer to 12/12. hope you have alot of lights. 4' tall it will double or triple in size when flowering. you should put your plants into flower at 12''-18''. with that 4' plant you will need lots of side lighting.

c cinco

im an outdoor grower this is a pic of the plant i want to flower pla 001.jpgso all i have to do is put it and 12/12 does it have to be in dark room or can i put it in the shade sorry for sounding like a dummy but i am a 1st timer and all the help i can get is needed



Active Member
I think shade counts as light still , but im not sure really.
I would assume if the plant gets shaded light it can trigger flowering .

I would also reccomend you clean that bushy bitch up , i see a lot of dying leaves , that can cause mold and all sorts of problems for parasites and sutch.

Nice plants tho


Well-Known Member
WOW first time grower and you grew that! Bang up job bro. Like what one of the other people said you should clean her up, thin the middle a little, and get rid of all the dead stuff, bugs and the like love to use it. As far as your core question goes, ask Veggiegardener, he can give you the inside skinny. I am new at this too, it will take me about five grows than maybe I can answer. But anyway, nice plants good job, and good luck on your future endeavors.:peace:


if you want to start her flowering, you will need to clean her up a bit, not too much, too much will cause her stress and she wil stunt her growing for a few days or so, since you have her in a bucket, bring her inside in a pitch black room with i mean ABSOLUTLY NO LIGHT, for 12 hours, any light will not let this happen, i.e. street lights outside, the moon, dech and patio lights, any light will keep her from flowering until she is ready. if i were you i would just let her go, not much time left in the season, mine are all outside in the ground and they jut started 4 days ago.