Can I be a youtuber?

Yes. Everyone tells me that same thing! But WHAT THEN!? Are you telling me.. me saying stuff is broken and needs to be fixed... is wrong? I SHOULDNT say that if I think and know it? Just because YOU think I cant change it? Or is there a deeper meaning I'm not getting. Because I've explored your option. Many times for years and years. The world IS broken and I am NOT wrong about perception. The only perception I can have other than that is to tell myself that humans dont matter in the long run and it doesnt matter to argue for whats right. And I will not do that. 3 options. Question it like I am, accept it and be mad about it, or perceive my (self-perceived) helplessness or worthlessness

...there's a word that's hanging over everything you've said here. "Patience" with a capital "calm the fck down" :razz:
...there's a word that's hanging over everything you've said here. "Patience" with a capital "calm the fck down" :razz:

What do you mean? I'm just trying to advocate change. Make people think like you do during Ego-death. Who they REALLY are. I actually dont cry very often. Recently I have discovered it... I still am embarrassed to admit I cry... even though I ONLY cry when I get a break through. Like this. When that person... who started to troll me... like everyone starts to troll.... and he flip flopped... and responded exactly how I thought people SHOULD respond... I realized for sure... what I believe in. I won't say what it is, I don't want conflicting opinions.... some of you will be in my court and some of you will be against me. In this setting I can understand you and learn. Critical.... I have tried to get evidence that what I think is true for what seems like 2 years now.... specificlaly asking the same question.... I feel like this is the only time I have come closer. Seriously thank you. You literally made a 22 year old tough guy cry. Because you made me realize I was right... and it gave me hope that I can change something.
OK here's what I think, I think you should probably take your meds. You are either really fucked up in the head or just a troll. Either way I am outta here, don't have time for this stupid shit.
What do you mean? I'm just trying to advocate change. Make people think like you do during Ego-death. Who they REALLY are. I actually dont cry very often. Recently I have discovered it... I still am embarrassed to admit I cry... even though I ONLY cry when I get a break through. Like this. When that person... who started to troll me... like everyone starts to troll.... and he flip flopped... and responded exactly how I thought people SHOULD respond... I realized for sure... what I believe in. I won't say what it is, I don't want conflicting opinions.... some of you will be in my court and some of you will be against me. In this setting I can understand you and learn. Critical.... I have tried to get evidence that what I think is true for what seems like 2 years now.... specificlaly asking the same question.... I feel like this is the only time I have come closer. Seriously thank you. You literally made a 22 year old tough guy cry. Because you made me realize I was right... and it gave me hope that I can change something.

...I mean, have patience and you'll be fine. Very simple :)
I thought god already started a thread???????

I'm not god. Stop summarizing what I say and then commenting. Read everything, dont use your opinions, respond from there. Thats all I ask. Even if you think for sure I'm an egotistical bastard who is trolling, READ what I said with an unbiased mindset and comment.

I'm looking to gain perspectives. REAL perspectives. NO ONE tries to find out who you really are. I want to know who everyone really is under all the FAKE. The FAKE you've told yourself since you were a kid, the FAKE that you think is real now and refuse to accept its FAKE.

I believe everyone is the same under there. I think it can change... based off your perspective... and you can be completely different people.... but deep deep inside...

IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT I;M LOOKING FOR the point is... I've tried this a million times and it doesnt work... people just call me egotistical and dont answer.

Act as if I won't respond and just say something. Anything. The truth about YOU. Make a second account, PM it to me, anonymously. I dont care just give me who you really are! EVERYONE HAS FLAWS! People DONT admit they have them! The REAL ones. The ones you dont want ANYONE to know.

AGAIN don't try and figure out WHY I want this info... I dont think you physically can understand... not that I'm smarter than you... but that your own ego is stopping you from letting it out. A small ego you might not know is there. When you see the word ego you instantly think "I dont have a ego" but its bull! An ego can be anything. You not admitting to a fart. That is a lie. But you dont want to admit it and some people never will in certain circumstances. Thats just an example. Like "this is a rock imagine its a seed" and you guys keep saying "but its a rock?" Stop looking at the meaning and read what I'm trying to tell you is the meaning. EVEN IF YOU THINK I"M A TROLL. Please. Anybody. Real answers who you are deep down. I dont need to know about me if you dont want to tell me. I'd like to know if you think I could say this on youtube and make a difference, if you dont want to answer that thats fine. Just tell me about who you are... the things you lie about... and do it secretly. Just let me know. Please.
...I mean, have patience and you'll be fine. Very simple :)

And I know you're trying to help, thank you for your opinion sir, but waiting is not going to cut it. I want to fix something. Anything. Even changing the minds of a few is enough to make me want this enough. What do you think then? After I say that?
See I dont get forum etiquette. And it leads to my alienation before anythings begun. I'm not rambling and I'm not a psychopath... I'm just not like anything you've seen or heard of. That doesn't mean I'm crazy that means its a new perspective and new idea. Think of things a different way Metasynth. Atleast try.

*edit This beginning sentence doesnt sound right. I want to change it to "I have been posting repeatedly on this post and not using the edit button because:
"I have been posting and then stopping because" often times I will find myself in an argument on a forum about my bad grammar so I don't edit any of my posts. I can just sit here and edit this post over and over when I need to say something if that is what you think I should do? But how will people know i've responded to their posts and I am activey sitting here wanting to read and respond and see their response. I am not trying to bump my thread, that is not a goal I promise you. I edited this part in so as to not upset you by making a second post.

PS Additionally once the post is edited... I have the ability to edit the text without you guys knowing which part I edited. I'm trying every possible method to figure other people's perspectives out.

I suppose refusing to edit my posts is weird. But it is my way of proving... to the most extent I can... that I wrote what I just wrote in 5 minutes. They are my true opinions and I've pondered them for so long I can write for days and days about them. What I'm saying is... it is still just broken fragments... which means if people think I'm full of myself... and egotistical.... they don't help me. I'm not preaching my intelligence here I'm confessing my ignorance. So I tell people in all my posts over and over... I'm not egotistical... I know it sounds egotstical. But I need a genius. I need someone with sheer wit... who is very wise.... who can help me either... answer these questions... or get me closer so I can find out the answer myself one day.

A genius is what I need to help answer these questions. But I want to try and answer them on my own... by asking questions... and writing down how you respond.

Genius, dumb, average, smart, brilliant, clown... no matter which one of these you are... I want your opinion. Please give it to me. Read my whole passage... try to understand it... I know I write weird... and tell me what you think
Great now the troll is on my side and my point of view will never get across. See how him saying that slows you guys down? Hes purposely on my side to do the most damage. Ignore him if hes a troll and dont respond. If you say NOTHING he has no power. Seriously try it. Your parents weren't just saying that. If no one ever responded to "Fin" or autistic.... he would leave. It might take a year? 2? but if you talk he wont ever leave.

Don't let him getting on my side change your view. Thats his goal!
Read my posts, try. Do it for no reason! I believe very strongly in everything I say. I truly believe if you guys emptied your mind of predetermined dispositions toward me based off what I say. I BELIEVE THAT. My capitals dont mean I'm yelling, they mean I desperately want you to listen! If you listen you can answer me, and I can advance.
Can we get the abridged version ? Tried reading that first post and made about three sentences into about 5000 and lost interest..
Cut to the quill will, please and thank you..
Can we get the abridged version ? Tried reading that first post and made about three sentences into about 5000 and lost interest..
Cut to the quill will, please and thank you..

Thats what I'm saying... I don't know how! I'm not fucking smart enough. Someone help me word my thoughts please.