Can Fan worth the money?

I've got a S&P TD Silent they're top notch fans in every aspect but it's not the type of fan I can plug directly to my filter so it's pretty much idle these days.

The noise difference with a fan connected directly to the filter is pretty substantial, that might irelevant to some but noise is major issue for me.
I got a VivoSun 8" inline with speed controller built in but really wanted a Vortex S Series. Sexy mofo but twice the price. No speed control tho and I have a Temp/RH controller I've been using for 20 years. 10 year warranty on those I think. Canadian made too I believe.

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When I ordered the VivoSun I also ordered a $16, 6-8" hard plastic adaptor for it. F'n outlet on the fan is only 7 5/8" so I'll have to DIY a seal. Not a big problem but FFS let a guy know in advance why dontcha!

I have a hankering to make my own out of sheet metal. I have a big old soldering iron that I'll have to heat up with my tiger torch, plenty of solder and flux and the DIY skills to do it. Pretty sure I can find a pattern on the web. Could use pop rivets too and seal the seams with some silicon. My 6" no-name one is still chugging along so no rush. I wired up a ceiling fan speed controller for it and that works great. Wife has been using it on the fan for her incubator lately but done for now. I also have a 10A variac but use that mainly for cooking up my cocobudder running my still.

That's the one. Id buy another set in a heartbeat. They also have built in backflow dampeners. Very lightweight. Great product.
That's the one. Id buy another set in a heartbeat. They also have built in backflow dampeners. Very lightweight. Great product.

I don't think mine has a back-flow dampener. My outlet is an aluminum 6" dryer outlet type with a big flap on it that stops back-flow so I'm covered there. I haven't used the 8" other than to plug it in and make sure it worked when I first got it. I'll have to take a look. :)
