tryin too bline mi??????if you can read this; your too close.
Well ill be damned. I just learned something from a video posted by Wordz
The end must be near
well.. it seems this thread is ruined .. its been touched by a juggallo.
big props to the meme maker that shit had me rolling.
MODS: Please close and delete this thread already.
MODS: Please close and delete this thread already.
I have never understood that whole ICP shit, and I have never met anyone that liked them, only seen a few stickers on cars.U CUNT HANDEL DA C-C-C-C-C-c-c-c-c-c-c_C_CC_C-C-C_C_C_C_C_C_C_C_C_C_C_LOWNZzz. Win A BIIAAAAATCH KAND SWIM $HE G0NDA DDRIIIIIIIIIIZZZZZZZOOOOOOWWWWWNEDD
I BET u CULD GIV SUM SICKKK C-C-C-C-C-C-CLLOOWWWNNZZZ TAtUZZZ MANEI have never understood that whole ICP shit, and I have never met anyone that liked them, only seen a few stickers on cars.
Surprisingly, I havent already. Im sure if I still lived out by Chicago I would have tho, there is a bunch of white boys out there that dress kinda like goth kids and do drugs and shit and have that symbol of the methhead with a knife all over their shit.I BET u CULD GIV SUM SICKKK C-C-C-C-C-C-CLLOOWWWNNZZZ TAtUZZZ MANE
Wow something we agree on!I have never understood that whole ICP shit, and I have never met anyone that liked them, only seen a few stickers on cars.
I am now off on a google quest to find out what the fuck this whole ICP thing is about, besides Meth and shrooms.YO BRO I GON STERT CALIN U KKKLOWNDURHUR DOg. U SHULDA wint 2Da GATHERING BRa. U CULDA MADE BANKZZZ. WELCUm TO DA FAMILY