can clones/females hermie in veg?


Well-Known Member
not just clones, but females in general . i have a huge crop under a 1000watt hps on day 31 lookin thick and juicy, but those arent the issue here - the issue are my clones, which are now under an 80watt t12 lamp (and now 130watts of 4 blue spec cfls) but originally i didnt have blue spectrum bulbs in the t12 so they grew weird and alot of the tops grew tiny and fucked up - so i bought blue spec bulbs for it and added about 130watts of cfl's. i know what herms look like and i know they usually only appear in flowering. these are clones, and the genetics are very stable. i just wanna know if its possible at all for them to hermy during veg.


Active Member
hey, that's a pretty good question, i'm sure if it is possible at all, you'd have to do some pretty f-d up things to them to get them to hermie in veg.

wait, you were asking about your clones huh? well, i know that clones go through a lot of stess taking root, but shoot, thats a really good question.
