Can CFL lights to keep outdoor plants veg longer?


I have 6 clones outside growing in pot with fox farm ocean forest soil and I realized that flowering is coming up in August. My plants are too small to bud and I was wondering is it possible to use cfl lights to add extra lighting to the plants once the daylight gets shorter. Would the cfl lights be enough to keep my plants from flowering for until September? And is there a minimum watt that is required to every plant? Please help. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Your 6 clones will bud and CFL's will not be a factor in prolonging veg times, I would not bother to waste the electric. Just let mother nature do her thing. I am not an outdoor grower and only experience is indoor growing, But i have done alot of research and in my opinion your 6 plants will produce buds they wont be anywhere near as large as a plant grown outdoors since may but will yield ya some buds. You said you had them in a growing pot and I hope you meant each in their own pot cause if all in one pot could be a problem depending on size and how big the ladies get.