can cannabis help with grieving?


Well-Known Member
i was wondering for anyone who has lost a loved one did it help in using it and growing it? i've read cannabis can make you more sad and at some times it has for me but this case is far worse then those other cases which were usually just break ups.

i've pretty much lost all motivation to continue to grow and am afraid to use it because i don't want to experience the sadness. i also ask because i've just bought a tent and some new lights and because i have no motivation to grow anymore i just feel like "okay wtf am i going to do with this now?"

wondering from anyone with experience or just opinions.


Well-Known Member
I must say it may have saved my life after the death of my son, not the weed itself but by association of the same said community. Sure it may intensify your feelings for a while until you are sober for a few and the same powerful feelings come flooding in again.

Sometimes help comes by people just letting you be you. Time heals all.

Help is here, just ask. Sorry for your loss.


Well-Known Member
i was wondering for anyone who has lost a loved one did it help in using it and growing it? i've read cannabis can make you more sad and at some times it has for me but this case is far worse then those other cases which were usually just break ups.

i've pretty much lost all motivation to continue to grow and am afraid to use it because i don't want to experience the sadness. i also ask because i've just bought a tent and some new lights and because i have no motivation to grow anymore i just feel like "okay wtf am i going to do with this now?"

wondering from anyone with experience or just opinions.
I am saddened by your loss. Honestly anything that you can put yourself into will help you not think about it for at least a little bit. So growing would be helpful in that way. As far as getting high, well thats something that everyone experiences their own way so I say try it and see if it helps. I would recommend an indica strain as a sativa may leave your mind racing on and on about your grief.


Well-Known Member
thanks. right now it's super fresh but knowing myself usually when something associated with sadness that i can relate to i usually try to avoid it. like say certain tv shows, sometimes certain places, etc.. idk how i'd react to it over time as i expect it to not be as bad as it is now but that is only speculation. i love to grow but at the same time it reminds me of the person not cannabis but other plants but she would always tell me things like "turn off the lights!"

i find it hard just to really do anything right now feel like a damn vegetable. i've dealt with deaths but this is the first one of a immediate family member so i wasn't sure how it would turn out. used to just drinking heavily when i am depressed since i didn't grow at the time. i guess i'll try smoking and see how that turns out


Well-Known Member
When I lost my dad in 2005 I almost died 3 times. I only have my mom and youngest sister left. Just stay busy and stay strong, don’t be stupid like me. I’m the same way with things that will trigger my memory and fuck me up. That’s probably why I usually just go from home to work and back and avoid everything! For the most part I just smoke and drink myself to sleep. Reach out and get some help now! Don’t try and deal with everything on your own, tried that it doesn’t work.


Well-Known Member
yea i don't drink much often but when i get super depressed i can pretty much drink all day long. never smoked before but i don't want to abuse it in that sense either. i've seen people go down that route before with alcohol my dad might go down that road but hopefully not turn into an alcoholic. i have a close female friend kind of in the same boat as me so i am trying to talk to her make sure she is okay as well

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Sorry for your loss.

I've lost immediate family, I've lost close friends, and I've lost brothers in arms.

Make your peace. That's the only way it gets easier. There is no amount of anything, whether drugs/alcohol/work/etc that is going to do a damn thing for you. It'll occupy you at that moment, that's it. Life is terminal.

The minute you're alone, the minute you lay your head down, the minute you let your mind wander... It haunts you.

Make your peace!
For me YES! My sister convinced me to try an extremely low THC and high CBD strain which provided instant relief. I had hit or miss highs with THC through high school and college, I don't know if it was the balancing act of the CBD/THC or just the low THC (1-2%), but provided instant comfort and relief almost immediately. It's honestly completely transformed my life.


Well-Known Member
Yes, absolutely. Used in a therapeutic manner. Try something others describe as uplifting... Unless you need to go night night or want to zonk out of reality for a couple hours, then try something others describe as making them sleepy.

I think the sadness comes from isolation while grieving. Don't isolate yourself, it's hard to be around other people and talk when you're grieving, but you should do it anyway. Make deeper connections with friends and family. I know being emotional and being around others can be embarrassing because of the outbursts but if they're your friends they wont care, they'll just support you.

You need support right now, someone or something (maybe a pet? or houseplant? discord?) to talk to, literally anything. Probably some quiet reflection too, but not in a room by yourself, go outside.

You've gotta work through it, can't leave it alone or it'll rip you apart. You can't get through it in a day either. Wouldn't that be convenient?

If you're go big or go home type maybe get someone to help you with regulating what you take, everything in moderation. Growing is therapeutic in itself (plus you can share what you grow :eyesmoke:).

I wish you the best of luck, and I am sorry for your loss.

i was wondering for anyone who has lost a loved one did it help in using it and growing it? i've read cannabis can make you more sad and at some times it has for me but this case is far worse then those other cases which were usually just break ups.

i've pretty much lost all motivation to continue to grow and am afraid to use it because i don't want to experience the sadness. i also ask because i've just bought a tent and some new lights and because i have no motivation to grow anymore i just feel like "okay wtf am i going to do with this now?"

wondering from anyone with experience or just opinions.


Well-Known Member
I lost my oldest son @ 21 almost 8 years ago. I was still slinging pounds then and had a good siz UC run in progress when he died. doesn't get any easier. I probably think of him more now than when he was alive. I raised him well and he was he wasn't a worry/in my thoughts all the time when he was alive as he is now.

I felt like you about my grow at first. I'd been in perpetual mode for almost 20 years....and I was already tired of the game of being pushed along by the market and the grow....I was just hooked on the cash and stuck in old habits. I nearly just unplugged it all.

Somehow though...I hung on. After awhile I realized that the garden and the pets were about the only things making me get up and do something. Without something nagging me...I could sit there all day in a fog.

Time doesn't heal only makes it all more familiar. If this person loved to grow..or supported you doing it....I would give thought to keep doing their honor if not for your own sanity. I taught my son to grow and it was incredibly fuckin tough to tear his grow down after he passed. He had a 12 count and a medical for a good number of years after he died I'd do his count with mine as a show of respect.

No drug or pill will bring her back. Cannabis has helped me to avoid the nightmares and the all night thought sessions. If I awake and my head starts raging...i get stoned to the bone and it helps me drift back off to sleep. Everyone is wired differently though. I am fortunate that I got a lot of my drinking/hard drugging out of my life and learned the life lessons about all of that shit before he died or the outcome may have been far different.

much respect to anyone dealing with such a loss. It's a persepective of the worst kind. Hang in there Lethidox.


Well-Known Member
i was wondering for anyone who has lost a loved one did it help in using it and growing it? i've read cannabis can make you more sad and at some times it has for me but this case is far worse then those other cases which were usually just break ups.

i've pretty much lost all motivation to continue to grow and am afraid to use it because i don't want to experience the sadness. i also ask because i've just bought a tent and some new lights and because i have no motivation to grow anymore i just feel like "okay wtf am i going to do with this now?"

wondering from anyone with experience or just opinions.
My father passed away in August of 17 I primarily used cannabis for recreational/medical use prior to learning of his illness (cancer) I can tell you that without a doubt in my mind it saved me from so much pain and headache and still does he was literally my best friend and without cannabis I dont know how I would have managed. I just recently started growing which has also been nice as me and my dad spent many hours together out in the garden and working around the property. Brings back good memories. Stay strong and keep your head up!


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone i really appreciate it. i got an email today about my tent purchase as figured they needed extra money to ship it but the cost wasn't too steep only $45 which is extremely.. low compared to what others wanted to charge me which was $120-300 on shipping alone. i decided to go through with the shipping despite all the expenses we have to pay right now such as medical bills and funeral expenses but in the end i think she would have wanted me to do it. She never really liked me growing but at the same time she supported it. she wasn't like "you need to get rid of the plants NOW!" she was more like you need to hide it if you want to grow it. she knew i smoked tobacco and cannabis but she really didn't care about the cannabis because she knew i was smart despite i don't say things about my personal life she was actually shocked at my GPA and how well i did in college.

i promised myself i would quit tobacco at least because she always hated me smoking that because i smoke very often and she didn't want to see me killing myself from doing something so stupid. i still plan to go through with that of course but idk how easy that will be right now. kind of the only thing really keeping me sane and not lashing out at people as i do get very angry when i quit cold turkey just because of the withdrawls but it gets better over time.

im going to try growing this CBD strain i wanted to grow it for her to try out but will try my best after my current grow to do a good job and smoke it myself see how it feels. i think it would be better then the THC strains due to emotions right now.

probably won't run that grow for a while though


Well-Known Member
I suffered from depresion for years was on meds for 2 years nothing changed at all. Until I found northern lights. This strain is old school but I feel it was the only strain I smoked that made me relax and forget about everything shit in my life.

I say get your self a grow on and as stupid as it sounds talk to your plant. I normally do this anyway when I'm high then laff at my self for talking to a plant. Good luck buddy hope all is well for you in the future.


Well-Known Member
I suffered from depresion for years was on meds for 2 years nothing changed at all. Until I found northern lights. This strain is old school but I feel it was the only strain I smoked that made me relax and forget about everything shit in my life.

I say get your self a grow on and as stupid as it sounds talk to your plant. I normally do this anyway when I'm high then laff at my self for talking to a plant. Good luck buddy hope all is well for you in the future.
yea i've suffered from depression as well i think that is why im the more quiet type and don't like talking to people in person much just less bs i need to deal with. at one point i contemplated suicide as well when i was young in a sense cannabis helped me through it but i started to abuse it skipping school almost daily just to smoke a lot of weed of course that had it's down side as well like i ended up failing 2 whole grades because i didn't go to school for months on end and had to make it all up just to graduate with my class. after that i quickly learned to deal with it more and use less over time. i know im not stupid im actually pretty good at certain subjects like math and science despite i hate math but love science the 2 co exist however.

i think my past depression was due to relationships at the time and how my dad used to treat me he was verbally abusive so in a sense it kinda felt like i wasn't loved but as i grew older i understood why he was like that because that is how his father was and i knew he cared and loved me just doesn't show it kind of like putting on the tough man act.


Well-Known Member
Really sorry for your loss and heavy heart. Keep talking, if it helps. It looks like you have some solid friends who care to listen and offer wise words. Sending a hug. :hug: Be well.