That seems craazy, I'm definitely going to try that next timeIf you can stay awake passed the geometric patterns and colors and fight the vibrations and heart racing you'll end up out of body, or astral projecting.
That seems craazy, I'm definitely going to try that next timeIf you can stay awake passed the geometric patterns and colors and fight the vibrations and heart racing you'll end up out of body, or astral projecting.
Hahahaha you must of been really fucked uphaha, I'm pretty sure I was somewhat hallucinating in a hallway once.
Stayed at a friends house. We all got the munchies so we went to the kitchen.
For some reason I was slower then my friends and I was the last one to walk back to the room.
As I turn the corner to go down the hallway, I'm looking down the hallway thinking Mmmm....
Pretty long hallway, and didn't think they had that many rooms but whatever. I pass one bedroom.
Then I pass the bathroom. I get almost to the end of the hallway where the room I was supposed to be going into was.
But I turn around and go back because somethings not right. Think I got lost and ended up in the bathroom for a while.
At some point I make it down the hallway again. haha, I recall grabbing the door frames of rooms on the way.
Looking at stuff all tripped out on the way. Once I made it to the end of the hallway, I realize there was a huge mirror on the outside of the door.
I found the door knob and started trying to turn in. Everyone else in the room was frightened because I was fiddling with the door knob trying to get in and they forgot I was there. They thought I was one of the grandparents or something I don't know haha.
Hate smoking at other peoples house. Didn't help that it was at night and really dark too.
Hahahaha you must of been really fucked up![]()
I've only smoked onceHate smoking at other peoples house. Didn't help that it was at night and really dark too.
. Hahaha that's great. What if he really did jerk off in your bowl?Pretty much yeah. I was pissed at my friend too because the food we got was cereal and when I saw bubbly milk in the bowl I thought he was doing naughty things with my cereal. That's embarrassing as hell to say it. lol all like, Dude did you jerk off in my cereal wtf man. I was super high.
There was not any tall grass around us. I hope he isn't mental or will have any mental problems in the future... But it was really strange.I'm curious, this friend who thought he was drowning, was he new to smoking?
Pretty sure some of the best stories are from the first time someone smokes, or at least when they are new.
I'm trying to remember other hallucination type of things I've experienced.
I remember smoking with a friend once and I had a pair of forceps used for tying fly's.
I used the forceps as a clip. As I was holding the forceps I held the handle end up and
the handle end appeared to be spinning like a heli copter, the holes for thumb and finger
appeared to be rotating, or spinning around.
The first time I ever smoked I ate a whole pizza. I got the munchies.
Managed to bake a frozen pizza. I ate a couple slices, walked around the house.
Went back ate another slice, then another, continued going back, till finally I went back to get more.
And them I'm like wtf.. who ate all the pizza, holly shit it was me omfg I ate the whole thing.
That's when I realized I was definatly stoned for the first time and I guess was somewhat laughing
on the inside or something like I was happy I achieved getting baked, lol.
I also remember flicking my bedroom light on and off repeatedly, don't know why.
And even that first time getting stoned a mirror caused me some confusion.
I recall looking into a mirror to see if my eyes were red or blood shot, I always knew about this.
I wanted to see if it was true if my eyes were blood shot, or pupils changed or anything.
So I look into a mirror in the bathroom. I spot some crusty thing on my bottom eye lid.
Then I start scratching at it with a finger nail. It was coming off, but I was like super concentrated
on scrapping at this eye lid. Think I even scratched my eye.
I went back and read your original post, and the part about your friend saying the same thing like 10 times.
I think that is fairly normal too for some people. Repetitive things, like me and that light switch.
I've always heard that drunk people will repeat things they say. Does he have any mental health issues
that he is aware of? A lot of people say cannabis enhances things. I feel this is true, and especially for mental health.
I don't necessarily feel it causes mental health issues but it might enhance problematic issues with mental health that's already there.
If he has OCD weed might enhance that, if someone is paranoid they might get more focus or concentrated on that paranoia.
I've heard other people say that if you are going to get high then do it with a good mind set. You seem young because people
over 18-21 I don't think stay over at their friends house as much as the younger crowd. So I don't feel too comfortable suggesting things.
But I also don't want to see your friend having mental health issues because he wants to do the same things his friends are doing and not be left out.
If you could get a CBD strain and try that with him, see if its toned down a bit to where he wont be freaking out. He might be on some medication that the rest of you are not. I'm not diagnosing your friend here and its kind of assuming a lot to say what I have but it could be possible. He might not even know it yet. Sometimes mental health issues don't come out till like the mid 20's and I think weed might hasten that for some. If you want to call BS on most of what I said that's cool, but out of any of this I think the one thing to question is, if he might have been on some medication. Anxiety med's maybe, or pain med's, who knows. That is a bit off topic from your original post question seeing how its a different substance. Another tip, if someone is reacting badly and you don't have a CBD strain which is supposed to counter the effects of THC, then I've also heard that smoking some leaves can also have a counter effect. Not sure how true that is about the leaves thing but that's what some old timers have told me. I could easily be way off bringing up mental health and meds. But I'm trying to look out for you and your friends so maybe talk to him someway he wont be offended.
On Friday night, 3 of my friends and I were smoking indica. We ended up smoking a ton and got realllly fucked up. So my friend David was standing in the grass about 10 feet away from the lake. All of a sudden he said, "Guys I'm drowning! Help me out!" He was still standing in the grass with his fishing rod in his hand. He was reeling the rod for some reason. We looked at him and laughed so hard. After this happened we went inside and watched a movie. During the movie, He asked us over 10 times why we were lying when we said he wasn't in the water... He said that he clearly looked up in the water and saw us staring at him as he was drowning.
I'm glad I read the through all posts before I made a bad joke. Only because of my close relationship with mental health issues (myself and loved ones). Thc can enhance or unleash already existing problems, cbd can really help. Keep an eye on him and don't be shy about talking about it. I'm almost 40 and my issues used to be tabu, now I'm hipI'm curious, this friend who thought he was drowning, was he new to smoking?
Pretty sure some of the best stories are from the first time someone smokes, or at least when they are new.
I'm trying to remember other hallucination type of things I've experienced.
I remember smoking with a friend once and I had a pair of forceps used for tying fly's.
I used the forceps as a clip. As I was holding the forceps I held the handle end up and
the handle end appeared to be spinning like a heli copter, the holes for thumb and finger
appeared to be rotating, or spinning around.
The first time I ever smoked I ate a whole pizza. I got the munchies.
Managed to bake a frozen pizza. I ate a couple slices, walked around the house.
Went back ate another slice, then another, continued going back, till finally I went back to get more.
And them I'm like wtf.. who ate all the pizza, holly shit it was me omfg I ate the whole thing.
That's when I realized I was definatly stoned for the first time and I guess was somewhat laughing
on the inside or something like I was happy I achieved getting baked, lol.
I also remember flicking my bedroom light on and off repeatedly, don't know why.
And even that first time getting stoned a mirror caused me some confusion.
I recall looking into a mirror to see if my eyes were red or blood shot, I always knew about this.
I wanted to see if it was true if my eyes were blood shot, or pupils changed or anything.
So I look into a mirror in the bathroom. I spot some crusty thing on my bottom eye lid.
Then I start scratching at it with a finger nail. It was coming off, but I was like super concentrated
on scrapping at this eye lid. Think I even scratched my eye.
I went back and read your original post, and the part about your friend saying the same thing like 10 times.
I think that is fairly normal too for some people. Repetitive things, like me and that light switch.
I've always heard that drunk people will repeat things they say. Does he have any mental health issues
that he is aware of? A lot of people say cannabis enhances things. I feel this is true, and especially for mental health.
I don't necessarily feel it causes mental health issues but it might enhance problematic issues with mental health that's already there.
If he has OCD weed might enhance that, if someone is paranoid they might get more focus or concentrated on that paranoia.
I've heard other people say that if you are going to get high then do it with a good mind set. You seem young because people
over 18-21 I don't think stay over at their friends house as much as the younger crowd. So I don't feel too comfortable suggesting things.
But I also don't want to see your friend having mental health issues because he wants to do the same things his friends are doing and not be left out.
If you could get a CBD strain and try that with him, see if its toned down a bit to where he wont be freaking out. He might be on some medication that the rest of you are not. I'm not diagnosing your friend here and its kind of assuming a lot to say what I have but it could be possible. He might not even know it yet. Sometimes mental health issues don't come out till like the mid 20's and I think weed might hasten that for some. If you want to call BS on most of what I said that's cool, but out of any of this I think the one thing to question is, if he might have been on some medication. Anxiety med's maybe, or pain med's, who knows. That is a bit off topic from your original post question seeing how its a different substance. Another tip, if someone is reacting badly and you don't have a CBD strain which is supposed to counter the effects of THC, then I've also heard that smoking some leaves can also have a counter effect. Not sure how true that is about the leaves thing but that's what some old timers have told me. I could easily be way off bringing up mental health and meds. But I'm trying to look out for you and your friends so maybe talk to him someway he wont be offended.
Haha no problem^ "was standing in the grass about 10 feet away from the lake."
Oh geez, my bad. Thought it was that you had said he was in 10 foot tall grass. That's why another one of my posts questioned if there wasn't a well on the property that none of you knew was there in the grass. haha, Sorry for the confusion.