Can Autos Hermie?


Active Member
Germed some LL Auto AK about three weeks ago. First two to flower were male so i set them aside to collect pollen for what i hoped would be a female plant that hadn't begun flowering yet. Well i got excited because i saw some pistils but later that evening i saw some balls also. I'm growing in 1 gal. pots with FFOF 1/4 perlite added. No nutes added so far, temp never goes above 83 with 150w hps set to 20/4 and plants all looked very healthy and vigorous no nute burn overwatering or anything. My cab is not completely lightproofed yet but I was under the impression that it wouldnt affect an AF. Any input would be appreciated.


New Member
Sure, any weed plant can hermie.... now while the auto is not tied to the sun "cycle" still needs plenty of light to not stress. That could be your problem. How old are these plants which you haven't nuted yet?

out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
Sure, any weed plant can hermie.... now while the auto is not tied to the sun "cycle" still needs plenty of light to not stress. That could be your problem. How old are these plants which you haven't nuted yet?

out. :blsmoke:

Plant in question is 21 days. I also thought it was strange it took 20 days to show sex. U think that 150w in a 32wx12dx40h box isn't enuf maybe?


New Member
Well, I am an outdoor grower, but 150 sounds anemic. I usually start to feed my seedlings after 10-14 days as well.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
With auto flowers, the males usually show in about 17 days and the females in 20 days. So yes its normal


Well-Known Member
Plant in question is 21 days. I also thought it was strange it took 20 days to show sex. U think that 150w in a 32wx12dx40h box isn't enuf maybe?
The first 2 wks is the 'veg' period for autos,hence they wont show preflowers til they reach that point.
The current auto strain i'm creating tend to show preflowers around 9-11 days and start to flower the following wk..I'm hoping the extremely short vegging period thats been bred into them will bring them down to 6-7wk seed to harvest..


Active Member
that sounds awesome frosty! What is the cross? If you dont mind sayin. Thanx for the help everybody!! Could it be possible that the bean was just predisposed to hermie due to hermie pollen?