can anyone vouch for water cure making up for not flushing plant before harvest?


i want clean tasting buds. i read that keeping light of last 48 hors b4 harvest makes plant become a lighter green due to removing chlorophyl. also takin 2-3 weeks b4 harvest to remove all nutes n use only ph'ed water. i heard that u can go all the way with nutes n water cure for 7 days or so till water clears up n u will have the same clean product? is that tru? id have no problem water cureing if its the same but with better yield n just less bag apeal i want tasty clean smoke.. any tips? i jus found out about the 48hour dark period 2 days ago n was sondering how much other tips are there for harvesting cureing?


Well-Known Member
i do not recommend water curing unless you have some suspected moldy bud. i water cured about an ounce just for shits and gigs and the buds turned out looking like rabbit poo

also you lose a considerable amount of weight, size, and bag appeal when you water cure

many people claim it is unnecessary to do a flush at the end yet some swear by it

flushing is not absolutely required by any means

especially if you are using organic nutrients, and outdoors


its organic derived not fully organic botanicare line. i hate harsh smoke so what do i do. ill try it for shit n giggles 2. it makes da weed turn brown? ..... illl have to wait n c ill do a 50/50 n compare thanks for the info