Can anyone tell me whats going on? With pics


So one of my plants large fan leaves are wilting bad. they are just hanging there and the plant looks like shit.
the weird parts is the leaves look green still but just hanging there they were pretty dry so I added a little water anyone have this problem??\

Please help

420 happends

Active Member
when i go about watering my pot i do the "lift Method" and i make sure i dont give Too little of water cause then you'd be underwatering if im wrong, but yea when you said you gave her a little bit of water how much did you give her do you know? when i water mine i make sure a little bit of water comes outta the drainage hole so i knoe she got a good watering :D..

Good luck!


well actually this plant takes a bit longer then the rest to dry out. I just watered like 2 days ago and some of the others are not quite ready yet, so i just gave it about a litter of water to hold it off till its time to water everyone. Really im just getting sick of non-stop problems. Seems like it always something going wrong

420 happends

Active Member
well i dont see any issues with your leaves other them being droopy not a big problem just let the pots dry out a bit then give her a gool ol watering


Well-Known Member
You are over watering. Symptoms are same as under watering. Except with under watering leaves would be fading fast from not being able to uptake nutes from soil being to dry. Your soil might be to compact. Use a hand rake and till the soil to loosen it up. It will dry faster. Over watering will lead to root rot too.