Can anyone tell me what this is?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,
I've encountered something I've never seen before and wanted to know what this is exactly.
Unfortunately I have cut all the branches off with these lil bubble things on it, trying so give the rest of the plant time to finish and protect the others from it.
As u can see in the pic the only appear near the joint of the bud site the eat it I guess.

Aside from this one plant the other 8 are coming along well


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bud worms. I had some of these at the start of my outdoor flower. If you take the crusty, dirt looking areas and start to peel it apart...down in the center you will see the little guy. I use Bonide Thuricide to help keep the moths from laying eggs on my plants. Once the lay eggs in your bud, they start to burrow down eating there way threw your buds and to the stem causing it to die...thats a sure sign they have just penetrated the bud, bc it throws brown leaves and the bud looks burnt up and dead. oh yeah plus there poop they leave behind that looks like dirt. You have a wicked case of them . You should have noticed this starting weeks ago.
How to fix it: go threw the plant with a fine tooth comb...grab some scissors and start cutting off the infected parts. if they didnt destroy every inch of the plant...then it has a chance to recoop and the buds will continue to grow even at the parts you cut out. Good us a pic when your done fixing it and at crop out. You are going to have to watch this plant closely till its finished and all plants around it
So I went and got me some brer rabbit molasses and decided to check out this I found in the store. This should wrk right?
O btw I moved all plants away from the one with the worms to try and stop the spread.


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molasses sucks and can throw off your plants micros, but its your for the fungicide product...I would see what the other 99% of the ingredients are. Neem oil can act as a fungicide while also controlling mites and possibly pissing off the moths landing on your plant but wont be a cure, maybe a weak preventative. Moth season is coming to an end and I wouldnt worry to much about treating at this point. I would get to cutting them out of your plants before they burrow in further. THis product most likely will not kill the worms already inside