Can anyone tell me what strain these are? or if they are male or female?

Hey guys, these are just a few pics of my 3 plants that are 4 and a half months old and are into their 5th week of budding i think. Does anyone what strain they are? I was told they are OG but Im not really sure if thats correct, and it would be appreciated if someone could confirm that all 3 are females which I believe is true but again am not sure because this is only my second grow, HMU and lemme know if you'd like better pics or full pics of the plants...Thanks 2012-08-01 11.01.49.jpg2012-08-01 11.01.26.jpg2012-08-01 11.02.06.jpg1343833309978.jpg1343833245667.jpg
Hey there. 2 of em look like females, not about the other one but I think it male or hermie. I would need better pics to tell for sure. Also looks like you might have salt build up and or nute deficiency. Not sure if its og but its for sure an indica so it might be


Well-Known Member
Looks like a sativa dominant strain,they seem to be females in all your pics except the first one, cant really tell.Sativas are known to take more time so you know,but the bud sites look small for 4 and a half months old.
Alright thanks everyone, I have flushed them and they have mild stem rot at the bottoms so im letting them dry out...I will post better pics of each plant in the morning, and i checked the date i planted them and they are only 3 and a half months old not 4 sorry bout that..def check back in the morning please, im cramped for space and hope that i dont have to move any males away from the females..thanks again everybody..P3ACE!


Well-Known Member
Pix #1,2 and 3 are females. Can't tell from #4.

From appearances I'd say they are the opposite of OG. Kushes tend to be short and squat with real
wide leaves. You got some kind of leggy sativa-dominant strain. Get more lights on them and you can
kinda fill in the bare spots. Count on 10+ weeks flowering.
