Can anyone tell me if this would work, its about sexing the plant.


Well-Known Member
Well ive been told you can start flowering and then go back to vegetation, well if this is so then why cant you start flowering a plant straight away, then once it shows what sex it is you can either throw it away or go back to vegetation if its a female, would this work? if not why not?


New Member
as a rule, try not to flower and plant, and then return to vegitation. it creates unneeded stress. (and may result in a hermie plant.)

to answer: yes, you can flower a plant almost as early as you want. (even seedlings will sex and flower if pushed.) if they are clones this is no problem.

BUT, if you are growing from seeds and flower earlier than 2 to 3 months old, your plant will not be very mature and THC content will be lower then the plant is normally rated.


Well-Known Member
its not practical because revegging it back to its normal veg state will take a long time, so you rather just clone the plant and induce flower.


Well-Known Member
kk :) 2-3 months? most people ivetalked to on ere that are doing little grows indoors flower after about a month 2 months max?

im gona flower
after about a month and a half may7be 2 depending on how big they are by this point!


Well-Known Member
Just veg until at least 6 weeks and it will probably show pre-flowers and let you know. This is what i did and it worked. No added stress on the plant and you will know males and females before you start flowering.

Even if you start flowering early to determine sex it will still take a couple weeks to start showing sex and a couple weeks to revert back to veg so you will have wasted up to 4 weeks with this method, plus the stress on the plant.


Well-Known Member
Cheers for that.

I just didnt know long it all took and was curious, i mean if it was like a 2 day thing to go back to veg that would be great, thats what i had in mind!

The plants are like hedghogs lol, any stress and they aint going nowhere for a long time lol!