Can anyone tell me if this is female ,male ,hermie


Active Member
Hi could anyone please tell me the sex of this plant also i have just switched from 18 hour to 12 hour cycle was using metal halide but with 12 hour cycle have changed to hps any advice would be appreciated thank you



Well-Known Member
get a pic of where the stems break off of the stalk... from what i can see they havent started flowering yet so theres no sure way to tell except if u want my opinion that no on else has to listen to... that plant isnt very bushy so i would really be scared its male if i were u


Well-Known Member
When you take pics, try to use the "Macro" mode on your camera. Macro is for good close up and IN FOCUS pics. Your pics are not in focus and there isn't any way to tell the sex as you need to get a pic of where the nodes take off from the main stem.

Once they show its easy to tell though.


Well-Known Member
u need to post another pic.... but it looks like they havnt started to flower yet so no sure way