Can anyone recommend a cheap PPM meter?


Active Member
I'm looking for a cheap PPM meter. I would like to keep it around $50-$60. I have been looking around here and I see HM, Milwaukee, and Hanna all make meters around that price. Can anyone recommend what one I should get? I'm growing in soil and using well water so I would like to check my water. I screwed up my last crop, I think I them too much nutes so I want to make sure I don't make the same mistake.

I could also use a cheap PH meter if anyone has a recommendation.


Well-Known Member
No, I cannot...

I use a Hanna and I think it is great. You should not skimp on your tools.


Active Member
What model do you use? I see Hannas from $25 to $700. How much do I need to spend to get something that will do the job. I don't want to spend any more then I have to. I don't want junk thats not gonna work at all but I don't want top of the line either. If I could get something that would get me through a couple grows I would be happy. If I was growing to sell I would get top of the line but since I'm just growing for myself its hard to spend a lot on a meter.


Well-Known Member
hanna meters are great.. but there is a product at walmarts and home depot etc.. called it a 45 dollar water purifyer that removes salts and seds.. to 000ppm.. and they inclue a sweet meter for free.. they work great. no calibration solution included however.. but you can get it online or at the grow shop..

:devil: and if your a crusty thieve, the meters are right under the top lid saying take me please. bad karma


Well-Known Member
i got the cheep one from ebay its the yellow one for $15 shipped it came with cal fluid and it works great i use it almost everyday.