Can anyone identify these spots?


I've got these spots on my leaves. No idea what it's from, would really appreciate some help. Thanks


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Yikes bud, look under the leaves. Hit Amazon for at least three miticides and alternate each product every three days. Religiously. Might just want to scrap the one in flower.
Any webbing?

Looks a lot like spider mites
But yeah could be thrips I guess

And yeah

U gonna wanna hit that hard
Probably not worth saving to be honest this late in flower

Yup bug damage for sure, i hate those little fuckers!!! Trash it and clean clean clean and when you think your done clean some more and start over, i feel your pain man
Hate to say it, but it's bugs. Thrips maybe.
Looks like thrip excrement to me too. If they are thrips heave a huge sigh of relief all you have to do to kill them is 1 oz of Monterey Spinosad in 1 gallon of water (or your nutrients), every third day until all the little black fliers are gone and then once a week after that until harvest.

If its thrips you'll see little black fliers with long bodies and white nymphs in the soil.

Also look under the leaves for mites. If it's mites you have to take a different course. So first identify the bug
Any webbing?

Looks a lot like spider mites
But yeah could be thrips I guess

And yeah

U gonna wanna hit that hard
Probably not worth saving to be honest this late in flower

The tell tale sign that it is thrips are the little black dots (poop).
From a distance it's hard to see and with a phone probably really hard to see but with my lap top I am pretty sure I can see a shit load of small larvae walking around on the top of the leaf.

It's a nasty advanced infestation, I imagine the undersides have enough larvae to be seen with the naked eye.

The treatment this far into flowering is the question.
Oh man!
There are things you can do, if it was mine,
I would treat them with a spray and a soil drench. Thrip also live in the soil if it’s both thrip and spider mites there are organic treatments. Neem oil, pyrethrums(spelling probably incorrect) and Spinosad. A search online can give you details about spraying during flower. I would alternate treatment every three days then maintain weekly watch very closely for bud rot. I tend to be really cautious when I spray so I would also have a fan on them (indoor) to dry the spray(trying to prevent bud rot) and I spray with a very very light misting not really a spray and then repeat several times because I want good coverage but I don’t want bud rot;)
At harvest I would wash the freshly cut flower to get all the stuff out of the flower. There is a triple wash method that works very well. If it’s an indoor grow I would clean clean clean and clean again after harvest. If I had other plants, I would quarantine the infested one so the bugs don’t spread to healthy ones.

Good Luck (: :peace:
Thank you. Ill have a good look and try to get rid of whatever it is, DAMNIT. Thanks for the help I appreciate it :)
Thank you. Ill have a good look and try to get rid of whatever it is, DAMNIT. Thanks for the help I appreciate it :)
You can get rid of the but it can be a pain in the ass! I had gotten spider mites one time due to a rookie mistake and nuked their ass, but started to get bud rot from saturating plants, i read on here somewhere that an alachol/water mist can be very effective on mites if that is indeed what they are, i never got to try that one (thank god) YET
Looks like thrips but anything you spray now is gonna screw your buds up.

You don't need a trio of chemical weapons to kill thrips or mites. Some insecticidal soap with 10ml canola added per litre/quart will do it if sprayed every fourth day for four treatments. I get the Safer's End All II in concentrate form and just add the canola when I mix it up. Cost $1.40/L that way.

You can just hunt them down by hand to keep the numbers down until harvest so you don't ruin the buds. Use some spray on the floor and the top of the soil and lower stem to get any escapees after you hunt. I had 27 plants infested and spent two hours/day down there killing them to save the harvest. Bug free the last couple crops tho after using the above spray to get rid of mites.

Good Luck!

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Looks like thrip excrement to me too.

that's actually not excrement. Thrips feed in one spot by sucking the juices out of individual cells and leave little 'windows' all over the leaves. I've had larger windows you can see through like foggy glass from them. If they just finished feeding the spots are shiny then go dull in a couple hours. their poop looks like little black dots usually on the undersides of the leaves. They lay their eggs right in the leaf cells unlike mites that lay on the surface underneath with eggs that look like fat trichome glands with no stalks.

Know thine enemy to better defeat him!

that's actually not excrement. Thrips feed in one spot by sucking the juices out of individual cells and leave little 'windows' all over the leaves. I've had larger windows you can see through like foggy glass from them. If they just finished feeding the spots are shiny then go dull in a couple hours. their poop looks like little black dots usually on the undersides of the leaves. They lay their eggs right in the leaf cells unlike mites that lay on the surface underneath with eggs that look like fat trichome glands with no stalks.

Know thine enemy to better defeat him!

TMI! LOL They always looked like snail trails to me LOL We are endemic for thrips here and 1 oz Spinosad nukes them for me. So far none this year yet but in the Mojave we are running pretty cold right now.

Anyway I only use a drench when I'm in flower then right before harvest I spray my entire plants hard with water to hopefully clear any retained organic material, dry and chop.
I don't know about Spinosad but I test sprayed a branch of buds at 3 weeks 12/12 and did a rinse the next day and they still tasted like soap at harvest.

I start looking super close about 2 weeks before I want to flip now to catch anything before budding. Nothing worse than finding bugs part way into flower.

I don't know about Spinosad but I test sprayed a branch of buds at 3 weeks 12/12 and did a rinse the next day and they still tasted like soap at harvest.

I start looking super close about 2 weeks before I want to flip now to catch anything before budding. Nothing worse than finding bugs part way into flower.

I'm talking the difference in mode of administration.

If you can kill the pest by a root drench and then can mechanically remove (in this case by hydraulic wash), it's bio burden it's safer to inhale via vape or combustion. We need to look closer at tobacco husbandry.
Looks like thrip excrement to me too. If they are thrips heave a huge sigh of relief all you have to do to kill them is 1 oz of Monterey Spinosad in 1 gallon of water (or your nutrients), every third day until all the little black fliers are gone and then once a week after that until harvest.

If its thrips you'll see little black fliers with long bodies and white nymphs in the soil.

Also look under the leaves for mites. If it's mites you have to take a different course. So first identify the bug
Thank you so much for your advice I really appreciate it. This is my first ever grow and it feels good to know that there are kind people to help guide me :)