can anyone identify my strain


Active Member
its really skunky and very very sticky. accidentally brushed a bud last night and it was like pine sap on my skin. had to scrub it off.


Active Member
here is some upclose shots of the actual buds. If anyone has any suggestions about camera angles let me know.



Active Member
looks like northern lights no1 or no5 to me,from the first lot of pics,butttt as people say,its almost impossible,it could be anything


Well-Known Member
it could be anything.

a trick i learned with my camera -- if you focus on something before taking the picture, you can force the focus. when i try and take pics my camera doesn't know what to focus on -- the plant, the background, and it comes out blurry.

i point it at something to focus on, the same distance away as the distance from the bud to the camera, then when it focuses, i keep the button slightly pressed, then go back and take a picture of the bud.

viola, crisp and clear pics.