can anyone here give a good argument the world is only 6000 years old ?


Active Member
read THE HOLY BIBLE and the removed Book of Enoch which was in it. JESUS CHRIST is GOD of mankind our LORD SON of GOD ALMIGHTY. Don't read some chapters taken from the Old Testament and altered of THE HOLY BIBLE, know the time you're in read all of THE HOLY BIBLE. The torah is designed to give you some truth but only to then deceive, people take some truth from THE HOLY BIBLE, blasphemously change it to condemn you, you can thank illuminati go on my thread we can talk about it also I already answered this thread, ^^^^
I do read The Holy Bible but I believe the entire bible holds true today including the Torah aka the first five books of the bible. I also enjoy The Lost Books of the Bible, The Apocrypha, and as mentioned The Books of Enoch, Oh and The Book of Jasher. Yahshua taught Torah there wasnt a new testament for him or the Disciples to teach from. However I think I will just start a new thread so we dont hijack this one. I will title it Hebrew Roots but it will have to wait till after shabbat. Its good to see other believers here and I look forward to talking more. Shalom!


Well-Known Member
I do read The Holy Bible but I believe the entire bible holds true today including the Torah aka the first five books of the bible. I also enjoy The Lost Books of the Bible, The Apocrypha, and as mentioned The Books of Enoch, Oh and The Book of Jasher. Yahshua taught Torah there wasnt a new testament for him or the Disciples to teach from. However I think I will just start a new thread so we dont hijack this one. I will title it Hebrew Roots but it will have to wait till after shabbat. Its good to see other believers here and I look forward to talking more. Shalom!
The torah has taken chapters from THE HOLY BIBLE and added and changed things, if you want to read the first chapters of THE HOLY BIBLE read THE HOLY BIBLE. I will explain to you in detail how it goes against THE HOLY BIBLE and is designed to give you some truth, only to deceive you and condemn you. The way to figure out what the Catholic country/chruch has taken out of THE HOLY BIBLE we only need to read THE HOLY BIBLE because it mentions the chapters left out. I made a thread on this. it became a message to the people, that the Great and Terrible Day Of The LORD is coming soon. I'm sure we will be talking soon
Love you all,
Enjoy The Sabbath


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure the flood story in genesis was sometime around when the great pyramid in egypt was built.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure the flood story in genesis was sometime around when the great pyramid in egypt was built.
GOD made the flood, Noah and people on Ark re populated the world with different nationalities, millions years later GOD continues with Abraham, Abraham has children and his children children until thousands of years happens and then they become slave to Egypt. Egypt and the pyramids may be one of the oldest structures still standing but they are not even close to being millions and millions years old. You are talking after the Flood, after the time it took Noah and the people on the Ark to re populate the word,(millions of millions) after the tower of Babel, after Abraham after Abraham's children's and there descendants of many successive generations of men giving birth to sons to the point where Abraham's lineage and descendants was so many it became the Nation of Israel. (thousands and thousands) So it's not comparable and as we can see from what I have explained so far the world is very old Great and Terrible Day Of THE LORD is near ( see my link for signs and this isn't counting the time before the flood with Adam and Eve and with them populating the world.- Which clearly shows the Earth is very very old not six thousand, and the fact come people think THE HOLY BIBLE say's 6,000 is showing how uneducated people are as to what is in THE HOLY BIBLE.


Well-Known Member
GOD made the flood, Noah and people on Ark re populated the world with different nationalities, millions years later GOD continues with Abraham, Abraham has children and his children children until thousands of years happens and then they become slave to Egypt. Egypt and the pyramids may be one of the oldest structures still standing but they are not even close to being millions and millions years old. You are talking after the Flood, after the time it took Noah and the people on the Ark to re populate the word,(millions of millions) after the tower of Babel, after Abraham after Abraham's children's and there descendants of many successive generations of men giving birth to sons to the point where Abraham's lineage and descendants was so many it became the Nation of Israel. (thousands and thousands) So it's not comparable and as we can see from what I have explained so far the world is very old Great and Terrible Day Of THE LORD is near ( see my link for signs and this isn't counting the time before the flood with Adam and Eve and with them populating the world.- Which clearly shows the Earth is very very old not six thousand, and the fact come people think THE HOLY BIBLE say's 6,000 is showing how uneducated people are as to what is in THE HOLY BIBLE.

^ If you read this you would be educated to realize THE HOLY BIBLE says Earth is millions and millions and millions of years old, and doesn't give a list of people dating back from Adam to LORD JESUS CHRIST birth, it starts from Abraham which is million and millions of years after. Your sodomite pictures are not welcomed


Well-Known Member
You don't think a flood happened millions and millions of years ago? make a thread and I will explain to you tomorrow. I already answered this threads questions it's dead. Enjoy your night hope you seek GOD through LORD JESUS CHRIST
If you're speaking of climate fluctuations where the polar icecaps melt the sea level rises, that's not considered flooding. Other than those occurrences, there is no evidence for there ever being a global, world-wide flood. There is only evidence of regional flooding. No one needs you to explain anything with biblical myths, our knowledge of the world has improved a lot since then. Let's not take a giant leap backward. Enjoy your night, as well. Try to do something not god related, gotta keep it fresh...


Well-Known Member
GOD made the flood, Noah and people on Ark re populated the world with different nationalities, millions years later GOD continues with Abraham, Abraham has children and his children children until thousands of years happens and then they become slave to Egypt. Egypt and the pyramids may be one of the oldest structures still standing but they are not even close to being millions and millions years old. You are talking after the Flood, after the time it took Noah and the people on the Ark to re populate the word,(millions of millions) after the tower of Babel, after Abraham after Abraham's children's and there descendants of many successive generations of men giving birth to sons to the point where Abraham's lineage and descendants was so many it became the Nation of Israel. (thousands and thousands) So it's not comparable and as we can see from what I have explained so far the world is very old Great and Terrible Day Of THE LORD is near ( see my link for signs and this isn't counting the time before the flood with Adam and Eve and with them populating the world.- Which clearly shows the Earth is very very old not six thousand, and the fact come people think THE HOLY BIBLE say's 6,000 is showing how uneducated people are as to what is in THE HOLY BIBLE.

^ If you read this you would be educated to realize THE HOLY BIBLE says Earth is millions and millions and millions of years old, and doesn't give a list of people dating back from Adam to LORD JESUS CHRIST birth, it starts from Abraham which is million and millions of years after. Your sodomite pictures are not welcomed
Educated people also realize that this bit of biblical history is myth, not fact...


Well-Known Member
If you look in the king james version, in Genesis 1, God says "Let US create man in our image, after our likeness." And it indicates that this is on the "6th day". Who knows how long is meant by each day?
Why use an already existing term to describe something completely different? A day for anyone on earth, is 24 hours.

There are plenty of clues that it's not a 24h day...
You mean that it's not a 'day'. Again, a day is 24h, unless you're on another planet.

Like in Peter: "But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness." <That is in the new testament concerning "the return", so it might not mean that 1 day = 1,000 years in genesis. I'm just pointing out that a day probably doesn't = 24 hours in genesis.

So in genesis 1 it says God created "man"... Both male and female. Then in genesis 2 it says God completed his work by the seventh day, and blesses the day and rests for the day. After this it says, "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the 'Lord God' made the earth and the heavens"..[/quote]

Or, it's written by a man (who's incredibly primitive no less) and they have no idea about the sun, and it's cycles, what a 'day' actually is or anything about our solar system.

From that point, it starts saying "Lord God" in places where one might expect "God". After this it finally mentions "Adam".... "Eve" still isn't mentioned until sometime after "woman" ate the forbidden fruit, and gave some to her husband to eat also.

Before Noah: "This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him" - bible

So the 6,000-6,100 years applies to years since Adam. IMO, there are more than enough clues to realize that people shouldn't read things literally in any version of the bible. If something doesn't make sense in your mind, maybe it's the way you're interpreting it (maybe not). Most people either completely discredit the bible as myth and fantasy, or they go with interpretations that others push on them, or without a lot of real digging by themselves.
If you can't actually trust what something says, and all you can really do is glance meaning from it, why call it the word of god?

For a long time, anybody that didn't take every bit of the bible literally was put to death. People still believe that some dude 600 years old named Noah, built a boat big enough to fit 2 of every animal that you see on earth today.... And I guess every time it says "40 days and 40 nights" it literally means 24 hours X 40...
That is the accepted definition of day.

"These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation. Noah walked with God." - bible

I put generations in bold because even though it will say that Noah/Adam/whoever was a man, you shouldn't always look at it like one single person's life. There may have been a dude named Noah at the time and place.... but it's more.
How do you know it's more? It's certainly not written in the texts....

Da Mann

Well-Known Member
When ever you get it figured out let me know. I was raised that the earth is apx 6k years old as well. I have come to the conclusion that Religion is a made up thing by man to keep the masses in check. There is good and bad in all men but if raised with the Church it seems to make people a bit better. Enjoy your quest for the answer.


Well-Known Member
When ever you get it figured out let me know. I was raised that the earth is apx 6k years old as well. I have come to the conclusion that Religion is a made up thing by man to keep the masses in check. There is good and bad in all men but if raised with the Church it seems to make people a bit better. Enjoy your quest for the answer.

Christian Polling Group Finds Atheists Divorce Less Than Christians
by David Badash on July 2, 2013

in News,Religion

An Evangelical Christian pollster finds that atheists commit less crimes, divorce less, and are better educated than their fellow Christians. “It is obvious that you do not have to believe in a higher power in order to live a moral and successful life. Quite the opposite,” the Knoxville News‘ Al Westerfield writes of the study, adding that “the groups with the highest crime rate, the poorest marriages and the lowest education continually strive to force their beliefs on the nonreligious. And the politicians pander to them. Why else would they pass laws to put religion in the schools and on courthouse facades? And then they wonder why the godless could possibly be upset.”

“According to a Barna Research Group report, fundamentalist Christians have the highest divorce rate, followed by Jews and Baptists,” Westerfield writes:

The godless are tied with Catholics and Lutherans for the lowest divorce rate. It seems that some groups that claim to follow the Bible most strictly are not putting their money where their mouths are. The godless who are thought to be without morals seem to take their vows more seriously.

According to a Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life Survey, the least-educated Americans are Jehovah’s Witnesses, followed by black Protestants and fundamentalist Christians. The most highly educated are reformed Jews, followed by Unitarian Universalists and the godless.

Some groups seem to like their flocks ignorant so that pastors’ interpretations of God’s edicts are not questioned. Other groups prize scholarship and achieve more in their lives here on Earth.

In fact, a review of worldwide studies found that criminality and religion go hand in hand. The countries with the most religious people have the highest crime rates, highest sexually transmitted diseases and the highest teen pregnancy rates.

This is also true in the United States. The more religious a state’s population, the higher the crime, STD and teen pregnancy rates. The report does say that the religious are happier than the secular but posits that the ostracism of the latter may be a major cause.