Can anyone help?


Active Member
Hey everyone,

I'm pretty new here and working on growing for the first time, getting better with young plants, but after I get them into the veg room, they grow a bit and then something always starts to go wrong.

I have a few pictures, some of the leaves have problems that I can't associate with anything.

If anyone can tell me what looks wrong with the few pictures I put up, it would be greatly appreciated. I just want these damn things to get taller.






Active Member
the light is 400watt sodium i think

using the DNF system, but everytime i put in the harsher stuff like DNF black and Enhance, they just die off, so im using a little grow A/B


Active Member
Lets hope that's it man, appreciate it, im gonna flush them for the third time and then try a little bit of nutes again, see how they react.


Well-Known Member
ah, I just responded to your mold thread, but honestly I think you got bigger problems with this grow.

I dont use hydro, but if those plants were in soil i'd say you've burned them with too much nutrients too early, I'd wonder how high the temperature was, how close the light was.

you're new right? and you decided to jump right into hydro, and now things are going badly and you're trying to retrace your steps to figure out what went wrong?

I'd say you've got a lot of reading and research to do, (something you should have done before starting...but, the urge to grow is strong, I know)

anyways, if you give us all the details you can possibly think of regarding your setup we might be able to help you salvage those things.

(sorry if anything came off ass-holish)


Active Member
as of right now, the light is about 10 to 12 inches from the tallest plant, making it about 20 from the smallest.

400w sodium

during this hot summer, the temp is usually around 80 and for some reason only drops a few degrees at night.

humidity is usually around 40% to 60% (could that be the cause of the mold TM?)

but i think it was nute burn prematurely.

Im using the DNF system for nutrients.


Well-Known Member
as of right now, the light is about 10 to 12 inches from the tallest plant, making it about 20 from the smallest.

400w sodium

during this hot summer, the temp is usually around 80 and for some reason only drops a few degrees at night.

humidity is usually around 40% to 60% (could that be the cause of the mold TM?)

but i think it was nute burn prematurely.

Im using the DNF system for nutrients.
is 80 the temp outside...or in your grow area? the outside temp doesnt matter, just what it is right where the plants are. same with humidity.

i'm curious why you're using the HPS for vegging, i'd say you'd actually get better results from some 'blue' CFL's for veg, use the HPS for flowering. you can get CFL's right up close to the plants, and provide light from more sources, inceasing available light to all leaves.

or else get a metal halide bulb for vegging, I've not used HPS for veg, but I understand it usually leads to stretching/spindly growth.


Active Member
is 80 the temp outside...or in your grow area? the outside temp doesnt matter, just what it is right where the plants are. same with humidity.

i'm curious why you're using the HPS for vegging, i'd say you'd actually get better results from some 'blue' CFL's for veg, use the HPS for flowering. you can get CFL's right up close to the plants, and provide light from more sources, inceasing available light to all leaves.

or else get a metal halide bulb for vegging, I've not used HPS for veg, but I understand it usually leads to stretching/spindly growth.

i have the temp gauge right inside the growroom, and it usually reads between 78 and 85.

I try to keep humidity between 40 and 60

my mistake, the HPS is for my bloom room, i got them mixed up.

Its a MH bulb in my veg room.


Well-Known Member
i have the temp gauge right inside the growroom, and it usually reads between 78 and 85.

I try to keep humidity between 40 and 60

my mistake, the HPS is for my bloom room, i got them mixed up.

Its a MH bulb in my veg room.
hm, well that all sounds about perfect, I guess the rockwool is staying too moist.

and i'm not kidding about getting the infected stuff out of there, spores are microscopic and travel really easily given the slightest breeze, if the humidity is in those zones and it's still growing, you're going to have other problems. i'd say get rid of the infected stuff, and dry out the other cubes as much as possible before feeding again.

good luck dude, not sure what other advice to offer, perhaps someone more familiar with hydro/rockwool can step in and help.


Active Member
awesome man, really appreciate the help.

i might try a soil grow some other time to test out what works for me.

ill get a handle on the rockwool soon hopefully though

again, thanks a bunch TM


Well-Known Member
no problem man, I hope it all works out. and like I said in the other thread, i'm curious to know if it does, so keep us posted.