Can anyone help me

Kush king3000

New Member
My little brother was drugged with pot cookies about a year ago and now he's addicted to smoking. He's 14 and got caught with maybe a halve a gram or roaches but drank a little herbal clean before his drug test so he was fine and came back clean but that stuff doesn't always work and they are aloud to drug test him anytime they want next year in high school but he has to go to court and I want to know wht the legal charges will be for possession for his age and will they drug test him and what will happen if he comes back dirty on a surprise drug test
Thanks ahead of time if I can't get back to reply

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
So this little brother of yours.. is he by any chance getting drugged every night or just once in a while?? Because the amount you ingest will determine whether or not you can mask it with herbal supplements.

Kush king3000

New Member
Well he got drugged at a party maybe about twice when he was at a birthday but now he has took it upon himself to be a stoner... he's a heavy smoker... he was just dry that month, well that's what I'm hearing... I don't live with him