Can anyone help me identify this mystery pot plant?


New Member
This plan has very pot like leaves, but as it nears maturation - yellow flowers similar to marigolds are appearing on both plants in my garden. Our little town in Sw Ontario has many, many of these same plants, could they be Hemp plants? There is some purple venation in main stem and secondary stems! When young .. you would swear they were marijuana, now that they are almost mature .. are they aliens - like Triffids?

Has anyone else come across these plants?




New Member
Thanks xtsho .. but when I view pictures of Potentilla - that is a totally different plant. This is very "scrawny" .. like a pot plant, not the full foliage of a Potentilla, which are squat! The Potentilla has leaves all over like a shrub, this plant you would swear was pot, except for the yellow flowers .. the plant is now 3 1/2 feet tall. The leaves on the Potentilla, don't look like pot, whereas these mystery plants have leaves exactly like pot. Below please find pictures of Potentilla to compare with the mystery plant. You may very well be right, but to my eyes they are a different plant?



New Member
It may very well be Kenaf, but Wiki claims that is a plant native only to Indonesia, so how does SWOntario become such a kenaf hotbed? I'm amazed, I started noticing these plants, and there are literally hundreds in our small town. In our side garden I put sheep dung on it last year, and the seeds must have been in the manure. Kenaf does have some very good medicinal uses, so thanks, I know I can't get busted for these plants now anyway.